Infographic: Climate Change 101
By Citizens for Public Justice
September 11, 2016A visual explanation of the science behind the warming of the Earth due to GHG emissions.
A visual explanation of the science behind the warming of the Earth due to GHG emissions.
Today is the World Day of Prayer for Creation. It coincides with the Orthodox commemoration of how God created the world and marks the beginning of the “Season of Creation” which continues through to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4. Please join us as together, with our brothers and sisters around the world, we offer our prayers for the well-being of creation.
The World Day of Prayer and the Season of Creation have special significance for Canadians this year.
“What do you think?”
It’s a phrase we often use with friends when checking an idea or seeking advice. And it’s the question our federal government is now asking us as it develops Canada’s climate action plan.
From The Catalyst, Summer 2016
By Rev. Adam Snook
The town of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia is home to three picturesque churches. Just across the harbour sit St. James’ Anglican, Trinity United, and St. John’s Lutheran, where I serve as pastor. The town is an enclave of imaginative artisans and inspired crafters. It is steeped in rich history and is a hub of activism and activity.
Many ecumenical organizations (such as The Canadian Council of Churches, KAIROS Canada, and Citizens for Public Justice) make environmental advocacy part of their work on justice.
June 2016
Read the Letter
CPJ has joined 26 other Canadian environmental, faith, and international development organizations to write to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calling for Canada to re-join the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
Creation care is critical to the ministry of the national Anglican church. As a Christian, I know I am called by God to respond to the human and ecological devastation of climate change with love and justice. So, I continue to do my part.
Closing the International Accountability Gap
June 2016
Read the Statement
CPJ calls on the Government of Canada to ensure that people harmed by the overseas operations of Canadian mining, oil and gas companies are able to access justice in Canada.
Submission to Environment and Climate Change Canada
June 2016
Download the brief
CPJ is calling for a Canadian climate action plan that establishes a new emissions reduction target based on scientific estimates of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions budget, and contributes equitably towards the 1.5°C limit on global warming aspired to in the Paris Agreement. To achieve this target, CPJ calling for the implementation of clear, quantifiable, time-bound measures to (1) reduce GHG emissions, (2) develop a low-carbon economy, and (3) provide justice for those most directly impacted by climate change.