Poverty Trends 2024 report
Farmworkers picking strawberries at Lewis Taylor Farms in Fort Valley, GA, USA.
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement background illustration
G4E 2025
Jubilee 2025

Jubilee 2025

Turn Debt into Hope

Poverty Trends 2024 report
Poverty Trends 2024 report cover

Poverty Trends 2024

Finding our Place in Systemic Change

Canada’s Disposable Workforce
Canada’s Disposable Workforce

Addressing Abuses Against Migrant Workers

Read the report
Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement

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Watch now: Natalie Appleyard delivers keynote at Carleton’s Centre for Studies on Poverty and Social Citizenship 50th Anniversary

On January 16, 2025, CPJ’s Socio-Economic Policy Analyst, Natalie Appleyard, delivered the keynote address for the 50th anniversary of the Centre for Studies on Poverty and Social Citizenship. This event was part of the Carleton School of Social Work’s 75th Anniversary.

Silhouette of a lookout tower at a border.

Reading the news; hearing and heeding the call to action

In a piece originally published in the Do Justice blog, CPJ’s Public Justice Intern for Refugee and Migrant rights reflects on the heart-wrenching stories of vulnerable migrants navigating hostile climates of both policy and public opinion. Read more to hear what a compassionate, rights-based response to the news of the day looks like.


Howls of Anger and Visions of Glory

In this review from the Catalyst, writer Brian Walsh unpacks the raw emotion of civilization in decline and the tender expression of radical love in Bruce Cockburn’s album O Sun O Moon. A longer version of this piece originally appeared in Christian Courier.


From Critique to Imagination: Lessons from The Climate Virus Online Workshop

Journey with researcher Julia Sterling as she bridges the gap between pandemic response and climate action through an innovative workshop approach. She explores how collective imagination can transform our approach to the climate crisis, and reveals how participatory exercises in community settings can break through crisis fatigue to inspire hope and action.

“What would a response to the climate crisis look like if we treated it with the same urgency as the Covid-19 Pandemic?” That’s the question Julia Sterling invited CPJ members to consider in her workshop The Climate Virus. In this article from The Catalyst, Julia reflects on the ideas of imagination, community, and hope that emerged from the workshop.


Join the Global Movement for Debt Justice: Sign the Petition for Jubilee 2025: Turn Debt into Hope

Take Action Today! CPJ and partner organizations are calling on Canadians to join the fight for debt justice by signing the Jubilee 2025: Turn Debt into Hope.

Calling all students! A federal election is coming in the midst of political and social upheaval in Canada and around the world. Are you looking for information to guide what you’ll do with your vote? Are you wondering if there’s any point in engaging at all? How might faith inform the way we frame, process, and respond to pressing issues facing us today? 

We invite you to attend Election 2025: Engaging Faithfully for the Common Good. To learn more and register, click the link in our bio 🔗

📅 Tuesday, March 25 
⌚ 6:30 pm EDT (local times in event description) 
💻 Virtual event + 📍 local watch parties 

Citizens for Public Justice thanks our partners @ottawacampuschaplaincy, @coadystfx , @scmcanada , @thekingsu , and @ambrose_university for their collaboration in planning and hosting this event.

#elxn25 #electiontour #local #event #publicjustice #cpj #faithinaction #cdnpoli #student #studentevent #youth #youthvote #onlineevent
📆You’re invited to join CPJ and the @jesuitforum for Social Faith and Justice for Political Action Rooted in Discernment, the first stops on our 2025 Election Tour! 

Over the next few weeks, CPJ policy analysts will be featured guests at online talks where we will communally seek reflective depth amid our important political choices. 

Tuesday, March 18, 6:30 pm EDT: CPJ's Socio-Economic Policy Analyst, Natalie Appleyard, will be featured at the event "Poverty Trends - The Question of Affordability," where she will share insights and actions to take from our 2025 Poverty Trends report. 

Tuesday, March 25, 6 p.m. EDT: CPJ's Climate Justice Policy Analyst, Maryo Wahba, will be featured at the event "Policy Threats to Climate Action in Canada." 

Tuesday, April 1, 6:30 EDT: Natalie will be featured again at the event "Poverty Trends - The Question of Labour." 

For more information and to register for these events or any of CPJ’s Election Tour events, click the link in our bio or visit cpj.ca/2025-federal-election. 

#elxn25 #electiontour #local #event #publicjustice #cpj #faithinaction #cdnpoli #ottawa #onlineevent #jesuitforum
🚌Before the 2025 federal election, CPJ is hitting the road and coming to a community near you! 

During March and April, CPJ will be teaming up with partner organizations across the country to hold local events during our 2025 Election Tour. 

Part one of the Election Tour will feature: 

Three virtual events (on March 18, March 25, and April 1) with the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice. 
A Winnipeg event on March 22, Protecting Rights in Uncertain Times 
A student-focused cross-country event (with local watch parties!) on March 25, Engaging Faithfully for the Common Good. 
An Ottawa event on April 5, Faithful Election Conversations.
A Calgary event on April 9, Political Engagement for Peace and Justice. 

To learn more, attend your local event, and catch new date announcements for Part Two of the Election Tour, click the link in our bio. 

#elxn25 #electiontour #local #event #publicjustice #cpj #faithinaction #cdnpoli #winnipeg #Ottawa #Calgary
🌎 It’s time to Give it up for the Earth! To join us and CPJ supporters in our annual climate justice campaign, click the link in our bio or visit cpj.cafortheearth 

Starting today, CPJ supporters are taking bold climate action during our annual climate justice campaign. During Lent (March 5 – April 17), participants in Give it up for the Earth take three actions: 

1 - Pledge to reduce your personal and household greenhouse gas emissions. 

2 - Commit to embrace eco-spirituality through climate action and by building relationships with the Indigenous communities on whose traditional territories we live, work, and play. 

3 - Send a letter to the leaders of federal parties and key ministers, urging them to end fossil fuel subsidies, increase Canada’s climate finance contributions, and support global financial reforms to address the climate crisis and its impacts on the Global South. 

To learn more about each of these actions, and for resources to help you share the campaign with your community, visit the Give it up for the Earth! main campaign webpage by clicking the link in our bio or heading to cpj.ca/fortheearth. 

#ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #Climatecrisis #ClimateAdvocacy #reduceyourcarbonfootprint #netzero #sustainablefuture #environmentaljustice #Indigenoussolidarity #CPJ #publicjustice #cdnpoli #climateactionnow #endfossilfuels #justtransition #giveitupfortheearth
There’s still time to be a part of the national kickoff for Jubilee 2025: Turn Debt into Hope! 
The world is facing a debt crisis, and it’s undermining sustainable and just development. Join CPJ partners including @kairos.canada for a webinar featuring insightful speakers, an invitation to sign the Jubilee 2025 petition, and tips for getting your community to participate in the campaign. Debt cancellation isn’t charity—it’s justice. 
To register, click the link in our bio. 
#TurnDebtIntoHope #Jubilee2025 #debtjustice #jubilee #sustainability #canada #cdnpoli #webinar

Faith | Justice | Politics