Climate Justice

The biblical foundations for creation care unite spirituality with scientific, ecological, and political insights. Through a sense of wonder with creation, we are invited to seek God’s will for a flourishing ecological community. In the face of climate change, this need has never been more urgent.

Climate change is accelerating the extinction rate of plant and animal species, causing Northern glaciers to melt, and speeding up sea level rises. As a result, we are now witnessing global conflicts over natural resources, threats to agrarian and fisheries-based livelihoods, large-scale migration, poverty, and famine. Climate change also has disproportionately devastating impacts on low-income and marginalized people. 

CPJ plays a crucial role in urging the governments in Canada to adopt better climate change policy. Through research, analysis, partnerships, and government engagement, we raise awareness about the urgent need for action. We often work with church and denominational groups to help them better engage in advocacy on climate justice. CPJ provides timely political analysis that is often referenced in the media and utilized by community groups across Canada.

Ambitious action on climate change is not optional. 

We must take a holistic approach that respects the rights of Indigenous peoples, considers the health of the economy, the well-being of plants and animals in our natural environment, as well as sustainable livelihoods, health of individuals, families, communities and future generations. 

With this vision in mind, CPJ regularly meets with parliamentarians to provide input on climate justice policies and legislation. CPJ is a member of Climate Action Network Canada, a coalition comprised of more than 100 organizations from across the country working together to advance solutions to managing our carbon pollution through sustainable and equitable development.

In 2013, we published Living Ecological Justice: A Biblical Response to the Environmental Crisis, a learning tool and action guide for Christians in Canada. It includes reflections from Christian traditions and offers discussion questions, small-group activities and prayers for people who desire to advocate for creation.

In 2017, CPJ launched, Give it up for the Earth!, an annual Lenten faith-in-action campaign. It is centred on a postcard with a pledge to individual climate action and a call for more far-reaching national climate policy. Give it up for the Earth! signaled to the government that global citizens – especially Christians living in Canada – are committed to making lifestyle changes in order to reduce our GHG emissions and that we want our government to match and exceed these actions with policy changes that will move us further and faster towards international climate change goals.

Then to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, together with Canadian churches and faith-based organizations, we launched For the Love of Creation – A Faith-based Initiative for Climate Justice on April 22, 2020. For the Love of Creation is a journey of reflection, dialogue, discernment, advocacy, and action on the issue of climate change. We are working together to build healthy, resilient communities, and a better future for all beings in Creation. CPJ is pleased to serve as part of the leadership team.

CPJ facilitates workshops on climate justice using our church resources, our book, Living Ecological Justice, and resources developed in collaboration with For the Love of Creation. Contact Maryo Wahba for more information.


Earth’s average surface temperature has increased by over 0.85°C since the industrial revolution. This is concerning because although earth’s climate has always fluctuated, the rate of climate change has increased dramatically due to human activity as societies have industrialized.

Policy Statements

CPJ’s climate justice positions are rooted in an understanding that our economy, ecology, and society are interdependent. As Canadians of faith we have a responsibility to protect the earth and care for and all of creation.

Church Resources

Use CPJ's resources to engage your faith community in reflection and action towards climate justice. These sermons, prayers, hymns, activities, books, and learning resources are centred on responding to God’s call to faithfully support the flourishing of creation. 

Take Action

Engage in CPJ’s climate justice calls to action and campaigns. As an expression of love for God’s awesome creation, tell your MP that you, as a person of faith, want meaningful climate action – consistent with the principles of the Paris Agreement – to reduce GHG emissions and address climate change.


Keep up-to-date with the latest news and views from CPJ on climate justice by reading the articles written by CPJ staff and citing CPJ’s work.

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