Take Action: Poverty in Canada

CPJ co-leads Dignity for All: The campaign for a poverty-free Canada, a non-partisan initiative calling for a federal anti-poverty strategy

In August 2018, the federal government released Opportunity for All, Canada's first national poverty reduction strategy. While this was a significant win for CPJ and Dignity for All, more work is required to strengthen this new strategy.

Join CPJ as we work towards critical legislative changes that will end poverty in Canada.

2 more steps you can take to move Canada towards ending poverty:

  1. Join CPJ and Dignity for All October 17 for Chew on This!  People from across Canada are engaging their communities and MPs (virtually or in person) and calling for an effective and equitable end to poverty in Canada. If you're in Ottawa, join us at our rally on Parliament Hill, October 17, 12:30pm-2:30pm ET.
  2. Check out Poverty Trends, CPJ's a snapshot of poverty in Canada from year to year. This report uses an intersectional approach by looking specifically at how experiences of poverty differ depending on overlapping identities such as race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and immigration status, as well as where we live and our family status. Download the discussion guides to engage your faith community, school, or colleagues and neighbours!
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