Poverty Trends 2023 report
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement background illustration
Panel event
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Panel: The Role of Faith Communities In Driving Change
May 30th, 2024
Ottawa & online
Watch the recording
The Climate Virus workshop
The Climate Virus

Lessons from COVID-19 Towards Urgent Climate Action in Canada

On March 19 we combatted the heaviness of climate work with hope through an insightful and energizing online workshop led by Julia Sterling.

Give it up for the Earth 2024 Campaign logo
The Climate Virus workshop globe
The Climate Virus workshop globe
Poverty Trends 2023 report
Poverty Trends 2023 report cover

Poverty Trends 2023

Reimagining a Rights-Based Social Safety Net

Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement
Equity & Anti-Oppression Statement

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CPJ's Annual General Meeting 2019

Engaging Across Experiences for a More Just Society

Natalie’s compelling reflections emphasize the need for intentional cross-sector connections in an increasingly polarized world. She advocates for mutual care and understanding, highlighting the importance of inclusive policy-making that centers on the most marginalized communities.


What Role Does Our Faith Play in Compelling Us to Care for Creation?!

From coast, to coast, to coast, for over sixty years, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has been inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. ‘Give it up for the Earth!’, CPJ’s annual Lenten environmental campaign, brings faithful communities together to commit to individual carbon reductions, to call for a just transition towards a sustainable and equitable economy, and to champion policies that will preserve the beauty, complexity, and life-sustaining nature of God’s creation. ‘Give it up for the Earth!’ is not simply a campaign; it’s a national movement driven by faith, hope, and the unwavering belief that together, we can build sufficient momentum towards climate justice in Canada. Your participation is a profound testament to elected officials that faith communities are not just concerned about the state of the planet, but are also committed to a mission of stewardship, fiercely determined to safeguard the intricate harmony of nature that is essential for the flourishing of all creation.

Citizens for Public Justice staff and supporters marching at the 2023 World Refugee Rights Day in Ottawa.

Refugee claimants in Canada shouldn’t be forced to sleep in a shelter

CPJ joins other Canadian faith-based communities to call upon Canada to develop and implement A National Plan for Asylum with Dignity. As a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1951 Refugee Convention, Canada must ensure that it is upholding the rights of those fleeing persecution. Show your support by signing our Inter-faith Campaign for asylum with dignity.

"Refugees welcome" painted on a concrete wall.

Interfaith Call to Action – Asylum with Dignity for Refugee Claimants

Let’s unite our voices for Asylum with Dignity! CPJ is calling for broad inter-faith support to advance the rights of refugee claimants. Canada maintains the reputation as a global leader in refugee resettlement. However, refugee claimants – those who seek protection at our borders or from inside the country – face significant challenges upon arrival. Individuals fleeing persecution are left with inadequate housing and social support leaving them to navigate a complex and daunting system on their own.

We are calling on all faith leaders, religious organizations, and members of faith communities across the country to join this campaign! We demand the implementation of a comprehensive plan that addresses critical gaps in the reception and support of refugee claimants.

CPJ's staff and supporters at the Climate Strike in Ottawa.

Fair? Not quite. The 2024 Federal Budget through a public justice lens.

Did the 2024 Federal Budget pass CPJ’s “public justice test”? The answer is no: important steps were taken, but not at a sufficient level of ambition to change the status quo – and certainly not enough to fulfill the budget’s stated promise of “fairness for every generation.” In this brief analysis, we elaborate on key highlights related to CPJ’s priority areas.

What role does our faith play in compelling us to care for creation? As faith communities we have the power and community to enact meaningful change. Read through CPJ's climate analyst @mario_wahba reflections about how to mobilize our faith communities to act for climate justice. One important step is signing the open letter to Environment and Climate change Minister Guilbeault to show your voice in advocating for bold climate action in Canada. Both link's are available at the link in our bio. #climatejustice #justice #climate #climateaction #CPJ
Are you curious about addressing poverty at your local community level? Join CPJ and other justice-oriented organizations for a virtual event, “Localizing the SDGs:  Community Perspectives and Knowledge Sharing,” July 9th from 8-9am EDT. This will be an official side event of the 2024 United Nations High-Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals. We will focus on community-based perspectives on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 1: No Poverty. Hear from panelists and share knowledge, experiences, and resources on localizing the SDGs with other participants in breakout group discussions. You'll leave with tips, tools, and contacts to help advance work in your local community, as a member of our global community!#poverty #CPJ #justice #peace #injustice #canada #canpoli #SDG
Despite Canada being recognized globally as a leader in refugee resettlement, no similar system exists for refugee claimants – those who arrive seeking protection at or within the Canadian borders. As a result, refugee claimants are left with inadequate assistance making them vulnerable to exploitation and homelessness. With 137,947 refugee claimants in 2023 alone, Canada needs to do better. CPJ joins other Canadian faith-based communities to call upon Canada to develop and implement A National Plan for Asylum with Dignity. As a signatory to both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1951 Refugee Convention, Canada must ensure that it is upholding the rights of those fleeing persecution. Full article link is in our bio to learn more!If this matters to you, show your support by signing, individually or as an organization, to our Inter-faith Campaign for asylum with dignity. Sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with ongoing calls to action! Links in bio.  #citizensforpublicjustice #progress #socialjustice #unity #faithleadersforjustice #actnow #CPJ #canada #nonprofit #equity #humanrights #migrantrights #advocacy #ottawa #solidarity #injustice #injustice #nonprofit #justice #humanrights #povertyreduction #ottawa
Thank you to everyone who participated in our exciting panel discussion exploring the role of faith communities in driving change at our Annual General Meeting. Our diverse panelists, Allan Reesor-McDowell , Michèle Biss and Caroline Brouillette, shared how the housing crisis, and the rights of asylum seeker, refuge and migrants, and the climate justice movement are intimately connected. We learned the important role that faith communities play in igniting the balance between on-the-ground action and higher-level policy. Each panelist discussed the underlying systems of oppression and power structures that threaten our collective well-being, urging faith communities to find their voice in the continued fight for justice and peace. Watch the recorded version on our YouTube channel!Quote from the session: "Justice is love in public"- Cornell WestSign up for our JusticE-Newsletter, visit our website or become a CPJ member to learn more about how you can join us in meaningfully making change!  #unity #justice #CPJ #equity #humanrights #progress #socialjustice #ottawa #migrantrights #faithleadersforjustice #solidarity #citizensforpublicjustice #povertyreduction #actnow #injustice #nonprofit #canada #JustTransition #advocacy #peace Matthew House Ottawa National Right to Housing Network Climate Action Network - Réseau action climat Canada

Faith | Justice | Politics