Policy Statements: Poverty in Canada

CPJ advocates for a holistic, rights-based suite of federal policy recommendations to alleviate and eradicate poverty in Canada. Our policies are developed in consultation and collaboration with a variety of partners, including those with lived experience of poverty and other forms of expertise in poverty-related issues and human rights.
  • Targets & Accountability: CPJ calls on the federal government to fulfill their legal obligation to protect people’s rights to an adequate standard of living and end poverty in Canada by 2030. This requires specific targets for communities experiencing systemic oppression; the collection of disaggregated data and meaningful consultation to understand the impact of federal policies on poverty and inequity in Canada; and the prioritization of funding towards measures that increase well-being and reduce poverty.
  • Housing & Homelessness: CPJ calls for increased investments and regulatory changes to make the right to housing a reality for all. This includes the creation of adequately resourced, distinctions-based strategies for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples in both rural and urban communities.
  • Healthcare: CPJ supports the creation of a single-payer, universally accessible, publicly-funded pharmacare program. We further support the inclusion of dental care and mental health supports in the public system. CPJ calls for equitable access to all health services (including measures outlined in the Spirit Bear plan).
  • Income Security: CPJ supports the creation of a basic income guarantee, supplemented with targeted benefits to address specific communities. Current income assistance programs in every province and territory are inadequate and leave too many people falling through the cracks.
  • Food Security: CPJ recognizes hunger as a symptom of a much larger problem: poverty. In addition to supporting the creation of a School Food Program for Canada and the development of more sustainable food systems, CPJ recognizes the right to food and the right to Indigenous food sovereignty. Our solutions focus on addressing low income and the right to food.
  • Jobs & Employment: CPJ calls on the federal government to set national standards to a living wage and ensure workers have access to job securities including occupational benefits, labour standard protections, and opportunities for post-secondary education and training. We have further joined the call for full and permanent immigrant status for all migrants, refugees, students, and undocumented people to ensure their fair treatment and compensation.
  • Early Childhood Education & Care: CPJ supports the creation of a high quality, universal, publicly funded program of early education and care. Canada’s childcare strategy must be developed in partnership with the provinces/territories and Indigenous governments and communities, so that all children and families can have access to affordable high quality early childhood education and child care
  • Fair taxation: CPJ calls for progressive changes to the federal tax system to expand eligibility and access to benefits and to ensure corporations and those in the highest tax brackets pay their fair share. We support a federal carbon tax and call for these funds to be used to alleviate the burden of this greater cost of living for those living in poverty.
For CPJ's latest budget recommendations, check out the Federal Budgets section of our website.
CPJ's Socio-Economic Policy Analyst speaks at a Press Conference with MP Leah Gazan and Senator Kim Pate.

CPJ Joins Calls for a Federal Basic Income Framework

On September 25, CPJ Socio-Economic Policy Analyst Natalie Appleyard joined MP Leah Gazan and Senator Kim Pate in a press conference ahead of the House of Commons vote on Bill C-223: an Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income. Senator Pate is sponsoring a parallel bill in the Senate, Bill S-233. CPJ…

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A man with Downs Syndrome and a woman are seated at a table looking at a tablet.

Calls to Action: Canada Disability Benefit Draft Regulations

Make the CDB What it was Meant to Be! Did you know that an estimated 16.8% of people with a disability in Canada live in poverty, compared to 9.3% of people without a disability?  When the federal government passed legislation to create the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB), there was a lot of talk about lifting…

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Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations: Seeing inequity, climate change, and systemic barriers through a public justice lens

CPJ has presented its pre-budget submission with recommendations for Budget 2025, which will be the final budget that will be set before the next federal election. In our submission, we urge the federal government to: Read the Summary Recommendations below or the full document. Summary of Recommendations

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New building under construction

CPJ & Faith Partners Stand Up for the Right to Housing

One of the ways CPJ is continuing our advocacy for the right to housing is by making a submission to the National Housing Council’s review of “the Financialization of Purpose-Built Rental Housing.”  The Federal Housing Advocate called for the review and will look at “the growing dominance of financial actors in the housing sector, which…

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Global Strike for Climate and march for climate justice in Toronto, Ontario.

Pre-Budget Submission – August 2023

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has presented its pre-budget submission for August 2023, emphasizing Canada’s commitment to human rights, sustainable development, and international climate obligations. Key recommendations include: Canada’s dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals is evident, with Prime Minister Trudeau’s role as Co-Chair of the SDG Advocates group. CPJ urges the federal government to…

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Group success business concept as two groups of diverse people making a connection with 3D illustration trees that link together as a metaphor for global cooperation or environment teamwork.

Consolidating Commitments, Honouring Rights: Pre-Budget Consultations 2022

October 2022 CPJ has continually argued for federal budgets that take a holistic, all-of-government approach to addressing the crises we face. We acknowledge that recent Federal Budgets have explicitly recognized the need for climate justice, Indigenous Reconciliation, poverty eradication, and refugee and migrant rights. While important progress has been made, it is time to prioritize…

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Canada Flag and Budget 2022 Title 3D Illustration

Budget 2022: Equity and Justice in Canada’s Green Recovery

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations February 2022 Download the brief (PDF) In the context of the Pre-Budget Consultations 2022, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) presents a series of recommendations to the Department of Finance that uphold the principles of climate justice, equity, inclusion, and human flourishing. Following a tradition of several years, CPJ…

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Parliament Hill and the Canadian House of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada across the frozen Ottawa River during wintertime.

Mandate Letters Show the Power and Need for Public Pressure

Keeping with a tradition begun by Prime Minister Trudeau in 2015, mandate letters for federal Cabinet Ministers were shared publicly on December 17, 2021. These letters provide Canadians with an overview of the government’s key priorities for the new parliamentary session, and signal areas of responsibility for each Minister, as well as some key targets…

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What Details Will Follow the 2020 Throne Speech?

The merit of this Speech from the Throne will be determined by the details that follow. As the federal government irons out these details in the months ahead, here’s what CPJ will be pressing for on our key issue areas.

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CPJ Calls for a Just Recovery

CPJ calls for a just recovery from COVID-19, sharing specific policy recommendations aligned with the Principles of a Just Recovery.

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