asylum seekers

Silhouette of a lookout tower at a border.

Reading the news; hearing and heeding the call to action

In a piece originally published in the Do Justice blog, CPJ’s Public Justice Intern for Refugee and Migrant rights reflects on the heart-wrenching stories of vulnerable migrants navigating hostile climates of both policy and public opinion. Read more to hear what a compassionate, rights-based response to the news of the day looks like.

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"Refugees welcome" painted on a concrete wall.

Interfaith Call to Action – Asylum with Dignity for Refugee Claimants

Let’s unite our voices for Asylum with Dignity! CPJ is calling for broad inter-faith support to advance the rights of refugee claimants. Canada maintains the reputation as a global leader in refugee resettlement. However, refugee claimants – those who seek protection at our borders or from inside the country – face significant challenges upon arrival. Individuals fleeing persecution are left with inadequate housing and social support leaving them to navigate a complex and daunting system on their own.

We are calling on all faith leaders, religious organizations, and members of faith communities across the country to join this campaign! We demand the implementation of a comprehensive plan that addresses critical gaps in the reception and support of refugee claimants.

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New Asylum Restrictions at the U.S.- Mexico Border

The Trump administration announced new immigration rules ending asylum protections for almost all migrants who arrive at the US-Mexico border. The changes are likely to have a domino effect on Canada with which the US signed the Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) in 2004. It is time for Canada, as a world leader in refugee rights protection, to end the STCA.

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