News: Climate Justice

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Book Review: An Army of Problem Solvers

From the Catalyst, Summer 2017

An Army of Problem Solvers: Reconciliation and the Solutions Economy

By Shaun Loney

McNally Robinson, 2016

Reviewed by Asha Kerr-Wilson

An Army of Problem Solvers is about empowering people to be the problem solvers of the big social, economic, and environmental problems faced by their communities. Shaun Loney is a social entrepreneur and former civil servant who has worked with and been involved in establishing a number of social enterprises – small-scale community non-profits that aim to address social or environmental challenges using market forces

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On Canada’s 150th, What’s Next for Alberta’s Oil Sands?

On Canada’s 150th, What’s Next for Alberta’s Oil Sands?

By Kerry Oxford on July 4, 2017

As Canada marks 150 years since Confederation, I find myself reflecting on Alberta’s role in the Canadian economy as an engine. The past few years have been critical to our development and deepening understanding of who we are as Albertans. I am grateful for the opportunities afforded me living in a strong economy. And I am hopeful that our next 150 years will not only be economically strong, but more principled as well.

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Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

The oil and gas sector produces more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than any other sector of the Canadian economy. Even without considering their end use for things like heating fuels or gasoline, the extraction, transportation, and refining of oil and gas contributes more than a quarter of Canada’s total emissions.

Beyond the volume of these emissions, we must also consider their carbon intensity – that is, the GHGs emitted for each unit of oil or gas produced.

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Liberal Party leader winner Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire wave during victory speech in Montreal, Oct. 19, 2015. CNS photo-Jim Young, Reuters

Mixed reviews as Liberals near halfway point of mandate

“I think there’s been a thin gruel of achievements in 2017 so far,” said Joe Gunn, executive director of Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), a Christian social justice think tank. “On the issues that we are concerned with, we would have hoped for a little more movement forward.” Gunn pointed out much of the infrastructure spending is…

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Sacred dancing cascade

Is water ‘sacred,’ or is it ‘a human right’?

Elder Josephine Mandamin, an Anishinabek initiator of the “Mother Earth Walks,” takes the responsibility to care for water very, very seriously. Now moving about slowly herself, with the aid of a walker, she once lead Water Walks around the five Great Lakes, and even covered the length of the St. Lawrence River on foot. She believes that women, as life-givers,…

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Towards Reconciliation and Climate Justice

Towards Reconciliation and Climate Justice

There are many things Canada needs to do in order to truly move forward in reconciliation, but one vital piece is acknowledging the right and connection to land.

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McKenna receives Give it up for the Earth! postcards

McKenna receives Give it up for the Earth! postcards

On Friday, June 16, CPJ delivered close to 2,000 Give it up for the Earth! postcards to an enthusiastic and visibly moved Catherine McKenna, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change.

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A Settler’s Atonement

“The prairie landscape,” Trevor Herriot says, “has become one of the most altered on the planet.” Herriot is a Canadian writer, naturalist and activist whose new book, Towards a Prairie Atonement, laments how early settlers mistreated not only Indigenous peoples but also the land. He spoke in Ottawa last month at an event hosted by…

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Making the Links: Refugees, Climate change, and Poverty

Making the Links: Refugees, Climate Change, and Poverty

By Asha Kerr-Wilson and Bolu Coker

When we think of the Syrian refugee crisis, political unrest and terrorism immediately come to mind. Very rarely do we ever think of climate change and poverty as casual factors in this crisis, or in our current global refugee situation. It’s not an obvious connection many of us have made.  A closer look at these links is necessary to ensure we can address the ever-evolving conflict situations of our times.

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Give it up for the Earth! event locations map

Giving it up for the Earth! from Coast to Coast to Coast

Over the last six weeks, throughout the season of Lent, Christians across Canada have spoken up for climate justice. A faith-in-action campaign, Give it up for the Earth! supported Canadian Christians in raising awareness about climate change in their communities, and taking personal action as a demonstration of support for stronger and more urgent climate action from the federal government. 

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