News: Climate Justice

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and views from CPJ on climate justice by reading the articles written by CPJ staff and citing CPJ’s work.

CPJ joins call to halt Kinder Morgan pipeline project

May 2018

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CPJ joined with friends and colleagues from community groups, environmental organizations, coastal businesses, and Indigenous networks to call on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to step away from the contentious Kinder Morgan pipeline project. The letter was signed by over 70 civil society organizations from across Canada.

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End fossil fuel subsidies

Letter to Morneau: End fossil fuel subsidies

May 2018

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CPJ wrote to Minister Morneau to urge him to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry starting by working with his Cabinet colleagues to develop an implementation plan and clear timelines for action. The oil and gas sector is the largest single contributor to Canada’s GHG emissions, and by extension, the main Canadian driver of climate change.

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Voices for Peace

Voices for Peace: A Conference for Prayerful Activists

Who can continue effective activism forever – without stopping, taking stock, recharging one’s emotional and spiritual batteries, and counting on true, engaged friends and mentors for support?

At Voices for Peace, a conference in Toronto on Saturday, April 28, over 120 participants took advantage of opportunities to re-charge and refocus. The conference provided a healthy and invigorating mix of energy and reflection.

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Reflecting on Earth Day 2018

Earth Day is the most celebrated secular holiday in the world. Still, I’m not quite sure what to make of it.

There is no doubt that the level of environmental awareness has risen immensely over the last generation. And, there is real power in being part of a community, a larger movement based in common concern and purpose.

But the celebratory sounds of these Earth Day events may be overwhelmed by the cries of the people on the front lines of climate change. Which begs the question: why are we celebrating?

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Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don't Belong in our Climate Policy

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don’t Belong in Our Climate Policy

CPJ has long advocated for an end to federal subsidies to the fossil fuel sector. In an effort to highlight this grave inconsistency in Canadian energy and climate policy, we made fossil fuel subsidies the focus of our 2018 Give it up for the Earth! campaign.

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Everyone becomes a Christian again during Lent!

For me, Lent’s attraction is not the focus on suffering or deprivation as much as the call to be lured back to attitudes and behaviours that prepare us to become an Easter people. Returning to more disciplined schedules of prayer, renewal of our observance of the sacraments, penance, self-denial and almsgiving — all have heightened relevance at…

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For Lent, Let’s Give it up for the Earth

As we enter the season of Lent, the period of 40 days that carries us to Easter, it is important to acknowledge the ways that we have turned away from God in our lives and remember the call to turn our thankful hearts, humble minds and serving hands back toward God. For many Christians and…

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Canada Must End Fossil Fuel Subsidies

Give it up for the Earth! – CPJ’s Lenten climate campaign –  has prompted me to think seriously about my personal Lenten journey. In 2017, I decided to “give up” overpackaged goods, and, as much as possible to purchase food in bulk, using reusable jars and bins. 

The way we spend our money reflects what we deem important. And the same is true of government spending. That is why Give it up for the Earth! is calling on the Canadian federal government to end all subsidies to the fossil fuel industry right away.

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A new way to engage with Lent: Commit to care for creation

Last year, I hit on something that helped me to take my Lenten practice to the next level. I pledged to reduce the amount of unnecessary packaging and waste I was bringing into my home. No more cereal boxes – I have teenagers, so there were a lot of those! – peanut butter tubs, or bags…

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Celebrate Lent by giving up practices that hurt the environment

The Give it up for the Earth! Campaign, now in its second year, encourages participants to write pledge cards saying what they’re giving up for Lent. This could mean driving less, investing in renewable energy instead of companies with poor environmental records, or eating food grown locally. Participants post selfies with the campaign’s information on social media….

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