News: Climate Justice

Keep up-to-date with the latest news and views from CPJ on climate justice by reading the articles written by CPJ staff and citing CPJ’s work.

400 Students Gave it Up for the Earth

We think that the campaign “Give it up for the Earth” is a wonderful way to participate in building a healthier planet. We are grateful for everyone that has encouraged us during this project like our teachers, our friends and our family.

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Making the big shift and getting to zero

We don’t have much time. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) November report, we have just over a decade to take drastic action and keep global temperatures below  a  1.5 C increase.

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‘Beneficial discomfort’: Anglicans share their Lenten practices

Lenten discipline is not only for individuals; some parishes practice it as a community as well. In 2018, 11 Anglican churches in Canada, for example, took part in “Give it up for the Earth!”, a campaign that encourages participants to take measures reducing their contribution to climate change, and to call for changes to government policy, according…

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Citizens for Public Justice Lenten campaign puts carbon on hit list

The Catholic Register The Ottawa-based ecumenical justice organization is getting that message out through its Give It Up For the Earth! campaign. The Lenten campaign encourages people to give up some of their personal and household greenhouse gas emissions. It’s the third year Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has run the campaign asking people to go beyond giving up…

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Putting our Money where our Mouth is: Climate Change and Public Finance in Canada

It is time for policy and financial decisions that move us towards the Paris Agreement. The Government of Canada not only has an historic responsibility to end this funding, but this is also a tremendous opportunity to provide climate leadership by taking meaningful action.

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Climate change caught in political battle over carbon tax

Climate politics are shaping up as a federal election issue in a partisan scenario cautioned against by Pope Francis in Laudato Si’, his 2015 encyclical on the environment.

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Reports and campaigns and policy, oh my!

We’re grateful to our supporters and donors, those who have participated in our initiatives and those who have financed them. To those who have asked hard questions, and those who have helped us to answer them. Those who have advocated for change, and to the politicians that made it happen!

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Once we start to act, hope is everywhere

Environmentalists and climate justice advocates have been sitting with the outcomes of the UN climate conference in Katowice, Poland (COP24) for the last few days, trying to decide what to make of it.

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Hopeful Citizenship in a Time of Crisis

Hopeful Citizenship in a Time of Crisis

In early October 2018, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a much-anticipated report about the implications of allowing global temperatures to rise 1.5 C over pre-industrial levels. The global community has just 12 years to dramatically change course and avoid serious climate consequences.

Now, are you ready for the good news?

We know what needs to be done and we have the means to make it happen.

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Mossy tree looking up

Towards Reconciliation

About 40 of us were gathered on unceded Squamish territory in late September, for the United Church of Canada (UCC) Indigenous Justice and Climate Justice Consultation, and the UCC Young Adult Forum. Indigenous elders and residential school survivors, Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth, United Church justice staff, clergy and church members, and others, like me, from partner organizations.

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