Press Release: A Gender-Based Budget with Little Ambition

Bill Morneau

Budget 2018 is an important symbolic step for women, but doesn’t go far enough


Ottawa, ON: February 27, 2018 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged to see the federal government release Federal Budget 2018 with a gender-based analysis, the first federal budget in Canada to do so. Proposing legislation on pay equity and improving women’s access to jobs are both important pieces in tackling women’s economic equity.   

A Gender-Based Budget with Little Ambition

Bill Morneau

Budget 2018 is an important symbolic step for women, but doesn’t go far enough

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged to see the federal government release Federal Budget 2018 with a gender-based analysis, the first federal budget in Canada to do so. However, Budget 2018 lacks the ambition needed to make real advancements for all women in Canada, particularly those living in poverty or struggling to make ends meet. Without meaningful funding for a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy, this budget leaves them behind for another year.

Canada Must End Fossil Fuel Subsidies


Give it up for the Earth! – CPJ’s Lenten climate campaign –  has prompted me to think seriously about my personal Lenten journey. In 2017, I decided to “give up” overpackaged goods, and, as much as possible to purchase food in bulk, using reusable jars and bins. 

The way we spend our money reflects what we deem important. And the same is true of government spending. That is why Give it up for the Earth! is calling on the Canadian federal government to end all subsidies to the fossil fuel industry right away.

Precarity in Canada Requires Comprehensive Poverty Plan

A new infographic series shows how people in Canada are struggling to make ends meet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: February 8, 2018 — A new report from the Dignity for All Campaign highlights the precarious lives of people across Canada and the need for a comprehensive national, anti-poverty plan. Living in the Gap: A … Read more