Taxes for the Common Good

Taxes for the Common Good

>Taxes are not simply about money or fees collected by governments. They are equally about public programs and services, reducing poverty and the harmful effects of inequality, and protecting the environment.

“Taxes for the Common Good” is a series of six fact sheets highlighting the positive role taxes play in a democratic society and summarizing up-to-date information on the costs and opportunities afforded by various federal tax policy options.

5 Lessons for the Church from Justice Tour 2015

In April and May a delegation of leaders was hosted by ecumenical committees in eight cities across Canada. At the risk of simplifying this tremendously rich experience, it could be said that the leaders heard five main messages repeated over and over again.

Transitional Justice in Contemporary World


At the beginning of May, I attended a one-week course at York University on refugees and forced migration. One of the topics discussed was transitional justice. This form of justice moves away from our traditional focus on punishing perpetrators of a crime to prioritizing the emotional healing of the victims. It is restorative in nature … Read more