
Reviving Foolish Hope

When hope is considered to be foolish, it opens the door for apathy and despair. Yet hope and confidence are partners. They are dual ingredients for an atmosphere of optimism and assurance. It is when skepticism seeps in that the feeling of hope begins to wane. Soon, doubt grows and…

A comparison of visions of the fossil fuels-polluted world and the world with clean renewable energy.

Canada’s Path to Climate Action Can and Must Deliver Economic Justice

Across the country, we are faced daily with the converging crises of global heating and widespread unaffordability. Sometimes, these crises are put at odds with one another. Many “environmentally friendly” products and choices are expensive and out of reach for those hit hardest by rising unaffordability. Similarly, policies intended to…

Asylum seekers denied to cross Canadian border

Safe Travels

Emilio Rodriguez, CPJ’s Policy Analyst for Refugee and Migrant Rights, shared his expertise with Maisonneuve Magazine, discussing why the latest developments are further endangering refugee claimants seeking protection in Canada.

Poverty Trends 2023 report cover

Poverty Trends 2023

Released annually, CPJ’s Poverty Trends reports provide readers with a review of data on poverty in Canada and the state of government action, as well as a vision for how we can move forward.

Smoke through the trees in forest fires

The Air We Breathe

What causes you to register concern? What are the necessary conditions to propel you to action? People of faith purport to be motivated by altruistic instincts, where a concern for the other initiates action. This truly is a shared value of faith. The teaching of Jesus instructs us to love…

New building under construction

CPJ & Faith Partners Stand Up for the Right to Housing

One of the ways CPJ is continuing our advocacy for the right to housing is by making a submission to the National Housing Council’s review of “the Financialization of Purpose-Built Rental Housing.”  The Federal Housing Advocate called for the review and will look at “the growing dominance of financial actors…

Global Strike for Climate and march for climate justice in Toronto, Ontario.

Pre-Budget Submission – August 2023

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has presented its pre-budget submission for August 2023, emphasizing Canada’s commitment to human rights, sustainable development, and international climate obligations. Key recommendations include: Canada’s dedication to the Sustainable Development Goals is evident, with Prime Minister Trudeau’s role as Co-Chair of the SDG Advocates group. CPJ…

Canadian Native North West Art, fish jumping out of water

“It has been told to me that Bravery exists only in relation to fear; an act is not a brave one unless you are afraid.” – Dr. Ruth Green (Kanien’kehá:ka)

Before European contact in 1835, the population of the Haida Nation was upwards of 9000 strong. Fifty years later, disease brought by foreign merchants decimated the people, and there were less than 1500. Let that sink in. Over 80% of your community… gone. It’s an apocalypse. And yet the Haida’s…


What’s wrong with the Safe Third Country Agreement?

The Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA), effective since 2004, mandates that refugees must claim asylum in the first safe country they reach—either the U.S. or Canada—making many asylum seekers ineligible if they enter Canada at land or water borders. The agreement has been criticized for inaccurately designating the U.S. as a safe country, given its record of human rights violations and inadequate protections for women facing gender-based violence.

Wildfire burning in red and orange color

The Way Through the Climate Crisis

Collectively, we have lost our way. Across the world, greenhouse gas emissions are rising to levels that threaten other species, biodiversity, and ourselves. We have failed to understand how polluting industries and constant economic growth cannot coexist with sustainable living if profit and materialism remain the focus. We have failed…


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