
Ottawa along the Riverside Parkway

Is public money spent for public good?

“Yes, the budget needed to be rewritten. It’s time to take federal-sized responsibilities seriously.” wrote Natalie Appleyard, CPJ’s Socio-Economic Policy Analyst, and Maryo Wahba, Communications Coordinator at CPJ. “Christians in Canada would do well to reflect on what criteria we are using to evaluate government spending decisions. Otherwise, it can…

Canadian flag with a wind turbine farm in the background

Just Transition Consultation

Our Earth is suffering. Natural systems are shifting, plant species are vulnerable, too many animals are at risk of extinction, and humans (especially in Northern communities and the Global South) are losing their lives and livelihoods to environmental degradation and disasters. Entire ecosystems, communities, and nations are struggling to survive….


Budget 2022 Prioritizes the Status Quo

Budget 2022 was announced in a moment of multiple overlapping crises. In Canada and across the world we are living with rising costs of living, social and political unrest, and an ever-accelerating climate crisis, all in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. Ahead of the budget, CPJ called for an…

Airplane flying over an immigration detention centre

Faith-based groups call on Canada to abolish immigration detention

Between April 2019 and March 2020, 138 infants and children were held in immigration detention. A recent report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International Canada found that Canada’s refugee system has been tarnished over the last decade by the incarceration of tens of thousands of individuals in immigration detention, many of…

#WelcomeToCanada - the Catalyst cover illustration

Handcuffs, Shackles, and Jail Bars: What a Canadian Welcome Ought Not to Be

Canada prides itself on setting historic immigration targets and agreeing to resettle more refugees than most other countries. But Canada also continues to restrict asylum eligibility and increase restrictive border control measures, including holding asylum seekers in detention centres. Can Canada truly claim to be a safe haven while simultaneously…

Earth Gospel Morning Prayer banner

Earth Gospel Morning Prayer

Watch the recordings of the Earth Gospel Morning Prayer – daily prayers, readings, poetry and reflections on the themes of creation care and climate justice. The Earth Gospel Morning Prayer sessions, hosted by Michael Norman, were broadcasted during Lent 2022.

Canada Flag and Budget 2022 Title 3D Illustration

Budget 2022: Equity and Justice in Canada’s Green Recovery

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations February 2022 Download the brief (PDF) In the context of the Pre-Budget Consultations 2022, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) presents a series of recommendations to the Department of Finance that uphold the principles of climate justice, equity, inclusion, and human flourishing. Following a…

Immigration detention Canada

Interfaith call to action: Ending human rights violations in immigration detentions in Canada

We come together as representatives of Baha’í, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh faith traditions out of a shared concern for the dignity and humanity of refugee claimants and other newcomers to Canada. Our diverse faiths urge us to uphold the human rights of those seeking safety or a better…

Parliament Hill and the Canadian House of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada across the frozen Ottawa River during wintertime.

Mandate Letters Show the Power and Need for Public Pressure

Keeping with a tradition begun by Prime Minister Trudeau in 2015, mandate letters for federal Cabinet Ministers were shared publicly on December 17, 2021. These letters provide Canadians with an overview of the government’s key priorities for the new parliamentary session, and signal areas of responsibility for each Minister, as…

Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, with Forces Chief of Staff visiting Canadian War Memorial

Speech from the Throne: A Parliament Worthy of Trust

At the close of Governor General Mary Simon’s first Speech from the Throne, she called on parliamentarians to “be equal to the profound trust bestowed on you by Canadians,” and wished that Divine Providence guide them in all their duties. For Citizens for Public Justice, this resonates deeply. A parliament…


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