Prayer for Climate Action

By Karri Munn-Venn

Earth Day is on April 22. This year, it will take on special significance as world leaders will be in New York to sign the historic Paris Agreement on climate change.

As we mark a Day of Prayer for Climate Action, we share our prayer for the Earth.


Creator God,

We come to you in a spirit of awe, wonder, and tremendous gratitude for life on this Earth.

You have cloaked the Earth in an unimaginable beauty that is everywhere we choose to see it – in a budding spring leaf, the falling rain, a crisp mountain lake, and the clear blue sky.

Yet we continue to bring devastation upon the Earth through our over-reliance on fossil fuels.

Today, we lament the pain that our actions have caused. We lament the growing volatility of the Earth’s systems and the destructive consequences for plants, animals, and indeed all of humanity.

We know that many of the world’s most vulnerable peoples now face even greater challenges to their survival as a result of climate change. Precarious food sources, livelihoods, and exposure to more intense weather systems are part of a daily reality.

We pray today for those on the frontlines of climate change. In particular, we pray for the people of Fiji, whose small island home was recently ravaged by Cyclone Winston.

We also pray for those who face uncertainty as a result of action to address climate change. For those who have lost jobs, and those who fear other economic disruptions such as rising food prices and heating costs.

We ask that you be with us, God, whether we are in Alberta or the Arctic, Bangladesh or Burkina Faso, the Philippines or Fiji.

Guide us as we work to discern the way forward. Help us to recognize the interconnectedness of all life, of all people, and all systems, be they ecological, economic, or social.

At this critical time in the global community’s journey to climate action, we ask that you with our Canadian political leaders as they sign the Paris Agreement. Guide them in the months and years ahead as they seek out and implement creative and effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote a just transition to a clean economy.

Give us courage too, that we might hold our governments accountable, share our concerns and invite those in our communities into the conversation – and adopt practices to reduce our personal carbon footprints.

We know that solutions exist.

Help us, dear God, as we work together in service of the common good.

Strengthen us as we adjust the actions of our daily lives to better reflect our love for the world.

Embolden us to continue to speak truth to power.

Walk with us as we do all these things in response to your call to love and protect the Earth.

                                                In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray,


More: Church Resources on Ecological Justice


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