
We’re Stronger Because of You

Together we can bring change! You make change possible! As a faithful supporter of CPJ, you know first-hand what happens when people and groups work together for the common good. On this Giving Tuesday, you can make a donation that brings fair and just changes to Canadian public policy. By donating…

Irregular vs. Illegal Language Matters

Irregular vs. Illegal – Why Language Matters

The ‘immigrant story’ has long been the basis on which Canadians unite to embrace multiculturalism. This narrative presents the idea that families from across the world seek out the True North with hopes of a better future for themselves and their children, a future that is contingent on reaching safety. Yet, the means through which this story of migration becomes fulfilled is often forgotten.

the Catalyst, Summer 2018

Book Review: Engagement Organizing

 From the Catalyst, Summer 2018

Engagement Organizing: The Old Art and New Science of Winning Campaigns

By Matt Price

On Point Press, 2017

Reviewed by Natalie Appleyard

The let’s-do-this-together organizer in me had many a great a-ha moment while reading this book. I had to stop taking notes because it was essentially turning into copyright infringement. This is an excellent book for anyone who loves bringing people together for a common cause, not only because of its smart and strategic insights, but because of the integrity of its practices.

Journeys to justice - part of book cover

CPJ Launches Journeys to Justice in Toronto

By Dennis Gruending

At CPJ’s AGM in Toronto on May 31, contributors to Joe Gunn’s new book spoke about the successes, and limits, of Christian political engagement. Gunn interviewed ten Canadian Christians who he considers “role models in the pursuit of public justice.” 

Crowd at Ottawa Book Launch

Ottawa’s Journeys to Justice Book Launch in Review

St. Andrews Church hall was packed on Tuesday night for the launch of Joe Gunn’s new book, Journeys to Justice: Reflections on Canadian Christian Activism. 110+ attendees of all ages and denominations came together with one common passion: the call to justice and the revitalization of faith-based action in achieving it. The overall atmosphere of the event was a refreshing mix of uplifting reflections, challenging realities, and sometimes humour, to address these incredibly important topics.


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