
Words do Matter in the Refugee Debate

Over the past decade, refugees have been called all sorts of names in Canada. Refugees have been labeled: “queue jumpers,” “asylum shoppers,” “illegal immigrants,” “economic migrants,” and “illegal border crossers.”. To mention “illegal” when describing refugees is to paint them with criminality. To call them “asylum shoppers” implies that they are economic migrants and not genuine refugees. When a minister labels refugees with such denigrating names, it makes the populists think that they have allies in government.

National Anti Poverty Plan

Report on climate change impacts in Canada demands urgent action

Report on climate change impacts in Canada demands urgent action.


Book Review: Climate Justice: Hope Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future

Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future is a captivating collection of personal accounts compiled by the Former President of Ireland and UN Special Envoy on Climate Change.


Book Review: Leaving Christianity – Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945;

According to these two Protestant professors at the Toronto School of Theology, the collapse of the vitality of Christian religion in Canada is “very recent.” This fact has serious ramifications for all Canadians, whether religious or not.


Book Review: All Our Relations – Finding the Path Forward

Acclaimed author of Seven Fallen Feathers, Tanya Talaga’s newest work, All Our Relations: Finding the Path Forward is a product of the CBC’s Massey Lectures Series.


Christians Must Rise Up Against Islamophobia

It is imperative that we uphold the right to migration and advocate for the rights of refugees in the face of this radicalism. These events will not deter us from welcoming those who seek safety at our borders and embracing those who are in need of a new home.


Join CPJ’s Board

Citizens for Public Justice is no longer accepting nominations to our Board of Directors. 


There is no “loophole” for refugees

Tune into Question Period in the House of Commons and you will periodically hear the words “close the loophole” being thrown around in heated debates concerning refugee claimants. It is a catchphrase used by some Members of Parliament to describe the changes they wish to see in the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA). Its usage has become increasingly popular in the House and has yielded headlines across the country. Yet, it remains unclear what supporters of the loophole narrative are trying to propose.


Putting our Money where our Mouth is: Climate Change and Public Finance in Canada

CPJ backgrounder on federal fossil fuel subsidies.


The Right to Truly “Universal” Healthcare

The simple fact is that Canada needs a pharmacare plan. This would not only improve the health of those within the country and uphold their right to health, but it would also make more fiscal sense.


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