Christians mark Lent by “Giving it up for the Earth”

By Citizens for Public Justice

People of faith across Canada commit to reduce their personal emissions and call for accelerated climate action.


Unceded Algonquin Territory [Ottawa, ON]: February 26, 2020 — As Lent begins, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) and organizers across Canada will be mark the season with our annual Give it up for the Earth! climate action campaign. Beginning on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 26), over 185 groups will be engaging in 40 days of personal and political climate action.

Through Give it up for the Earth!, Canadian Christians will commit to reducing their personal greenhouse gas emissions by taking actions that include eliminating air and car travel, supporting eco-friendly businesses, and divesting from fossil fuel companies.

We know that personal action is not enough to mitigate the impacts of climate change. So the Give it up for the Earth! campaign also includes a postcard campaign, calling on the federal government to invest in a National Just Transition and Decarbonization Strategy.

“By taking action to reduce emissions in their homes and communities, people of faith can engage in climate advocacy with integrity,” says Karri Munn-Venn, CPJ’s senior policy analyst. “But we also need our government to take action. A modernized, diversified green economy will lead to major emissions reductions, create good, secure jobs, and promote the well-being of everyone in Canada.”

This year, CPJ will distribute over 15,000 postcards to churches, schools, and faith-based organizations across the country. We are excited to have participation from Anglicans, Baptists, Catholics, Lutherans, MennonitesPresbyterians, members of the Christian Reformed and United Churches, as well as several evangelicalecumenical, and multi-faith networks.


For more information, go to or contact Brad Wassink at .

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