7 Ways Youth Can Reduce Their Ecological Footprints

By Asha Kerr-Wilson, James Adair, Karina Schut

Can One Person Make a Difference? YES!

Climate change is an urgent issue that requires immediate action. Life as we know it is not sustainable at the current rate of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. GHGs are released into the atmosphere by human activities, such as transportation, farming, and the use of electronics. Climate scientists have produced significant research demonstrating the risks of rising emissions, and concerned citizens are doing their best to encourage action.

Now, it's up to us to make a difference. We must reduce our personal emissions and press the government to ensure that larger emitters do the same!

There's a lot that we have the power to change. Ways to reduce emissions generally fall into three categories: (1) the way we live, (2) what we buy, and (3) how we participate in our communities.

LIFESTYLE: The Way We Live

The way you live and the decisions you make in your home have an impact on the climate. A lot of these are what we refer to as “the basics,” but there is also the issue of electronics. Consider the following suggestions on how to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions.

1. Cover the Basics:

Continue to practice the basics routinely: reduce water use, compost and recycle properly, use active or communal transportation, and conserve electricity.

Water. Canadians use 335 litres of water per person, per day, equal to 670 water bottles. The two largest contributors are bathing and showering (35%) and toilets (30%). Major waste reductions can be achieved by simply taking fewer, shorter showers, and not running water unnecessarily.

Showers & toilets: Install low-flow shower heads as they cut the flow of water by about 75%, reducing it to 22-37 litres per shower compared to regular shower heads that release 94-189 litres. If your parents are replacing a toilet, encourage them to choose a duo-flush toilet as this also uses significantly less water. Flushing a toilet requires 7 to 26 litres of water

Drinking water: It is estimated that 7.5 litres of water go down the drain when running the water until it’s cold. That is enough to provide four people with enough drinking water for the day. Instead of letting the faucet run, fill a water jug and keep it refrigerated.

Laundry: Wash clothes in cold water and hang them to dry. Roughly 80-90% of the energy used by a washing machine goes into heating the water.

Waste. Recycle and compost – and do it properly!

It is estimated that roughly 38% of Canadians do not compost. Many people believe food waste/compostable materials will decompose in the garbage not harming the environment. These compounds break down anaerobically (without oxygen) – when thrown in the garbage - emitting methane (CH4) which has 21 to 71 times the heat-trapping capabilities of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most commonly referenced GHG. As well, many Canadians are not recycling properly. Due to many non-recyclable items found in blue bins – such as containers that are not adequately cleaned out - the sorting and transporting of these items to landfills are costing companies – and the tax-funded municipalities that employ them – upwards of a million dollars, which is questioning the sustainability of the blue box.

Check the waste management guidelines where you live and make sure you are sorting things correctly. Make sure to double-check occasionally, as rules may be updated from time to time.

Transportation. Bus, walk, or bike whenever possible instead of using vehicles.

Transportation is the 2nd largest source of GHG emissions, next to the oil and gas sector, making up a total of 22% of all Canadian GHG emissions. We need to reduce our transportation emissions, and the best way to do this is by taking the bus, bike, walking, or taking other sustainable methods of transportation where ever you can. If active transportation or public transit really isn’t an option, carpool to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.


Have your parents ever insisted that you turn off the lights when you leave the room? Do it! There is no need to keep empty rooms lit up. And, as soon as you get good at turning off the lights, encourage your parents to replace conventional light bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs. Not only will this reduce emissions (LED bulbs use a fraction, 1/3 – 1/30, of the energy required by incandescent bulbs), it will prove more cost-efficient in the long term.

2. Reduce the use of Electronics

While we’re on the topic of conserving electricity, here are some suggestions focused specifically on our use of electronics.

Unplug. We all know that turning electronics off when not in use is a good idea. But did you know that appliances and electronics plugged into an outlet continue to generate electricity? About one-quarter of the energy used by appliances or electronics is used when the device is in idle mode or “off.” Hence, it is essential to unplug cords and not simply turn electronics/appliances “off.”

Resist new gadgets. The production of consumer goods contributes to GHG emissions, and, of course, that includes smartphones. In fact, 85-95% of a smartphone’s carbon footprint is from production due to the energy-intensive nature of the metals and electronics used. This is only getting worse. Emissions from smartphones, computers, and other tech made up 1.5 percent of worldwide emissions, and by 2040 are predicted to rise to as much as 14% of all GHG emissions. Although it is appealing to replace your cellphone every couple of years, consider the environmental impact this has on the Earth.

Surf and stream consciously. According to 21st Century Tech, "more than 60,000 inquiries occur every second using Google Search. On average, each search produces 0.2 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2)." This pollution is produced by server farms which store data from billions of smart devices. By acquiring more devices and using more technology, these servers require significantly more power to run, as well as additional energy used to cool the machines, contributing to a rise in emissions.

Streaming services like Netflix and YouTube account for 3.3 to 3.8% of global carbon emissions, more than the aviation industry. Consider what you are watching before you stream. You can even go as far as to plan your daily use and limit your time on your electronics. And consider what media platforms you are using to stream videos.

3. Eat Less Meat

Farming and agriculture in Canada are other major contributors to a high per capita rate of greenhouse gas emissions. Most notably, GHG emissions associated with beef are four times those associated with chicken and 18 times higher than for beans and lentils. Cattle release high amounts of methane through digestion and manure, which, as previously stated, has 21 to 71 times the heat-trapping capabilities compared to carbon dioxide.

What is more, farmers around the world have cut millions of square kilometres of forest to cultivate land to raise cows, pigs, and chickens; 80% of tropical deforestation is due to agriculture. This is a double-whammy for greenhouse emissions. Trees use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen for us – when they are cut down, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, and trees are no longer around to absorb carbon dioxide.

You can reduce GHG emissions by adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet or simply reducing your meat intake by incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Try to challenge yourself and go meatless once or twice a week!


The production of consumer goods and the materials used to package them creates pollution. So, what we buy matters. As a consumer, there are ways you can limit purchases and have a positive influence on the environment. Follow these tips and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by being a considerate shopper.

4. Think Before You Spend

Reduce and Refuse. Do you really need it? Consider your purchases. Do not buy unnecessary items. Take care of your products so they last longer. This will reduce your ecological footprint by limiting your personal waste and avoiding the need to replace items. By investing in quality products that are reusable you will reduce output into landfills that are already crowded.

Before shopping, write down items/products you need and do not wander from this list to avoid impulse buys. And remember the fourth “R,” refuse. Refuse items you don’t need, such as straws, plastic cutlery, condiment packs, and grocery bags -- since you brought your own.

Consider the contents and the wrapping. Also, consider the ingredients of your products and whether they are ecologically friendly. Coal is found in various products such as rubber bands, paper clips, baking powder, some soaps and shampoos, as well as some candies. Some skin care products, medicines, and plastics are made from crude oil. Both crude oil and coal release harmful greenhouse gasses into the environment through their mining, refining, and transportation.

Before buying a product, consider the packaging and whether it is packaged sensibly (in cardboard, for example) or enveloped in unnecessary plastic. Consider whether the material is recyclable, compostable, or reusable. For example, some chain restaurants (such as Freshii, Mad Radish, and Green Rebel) use compostable take-out containers. And remember to support local shops that use products that are not harmful to the environment.

5. Invest in Sustainable Fashion

Fashion uses a lot of energy and resources. Water use alone is a significant issue: 7570 litres of water is needed to make one pair of jeans -- that's 1/3 of an Olympic swimming pool for one pair of jeans! That same 7570 litres could provide three people with a year's worth of drinking water (and 1.1 billion people currently lack freshwater).

There are a few ways of being an eco-friendly fashionista. Buy fewer, quality items, and wear your clothes for more than a single season. Purchase second-hand from a local thrift shop, or coordinate clothing swaps among friends by creating a Facebook or Whatsapp group where you can post your items and see what others want to share. Support environmentally-friendly companies, such as PACT apparel, Alternative Clothing, People Tree, Encircled and Everlane, among many others. These companies use fabrics that require less water to produce, materials that don’t shed pollutants in the laundry and prioritize environmental practices and labour rights. When you’re finished with your clothes, donate them instead of throwing them away -- but remember, donation bins want quality items, not your broken or damaged products. For items too worn to be donated, seek fabric recycling options. All of these options will save you money while benefitting the environment.

ADVOCACY & ENGAGEMENT: How We Participate in Community

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”

Margaret Mead

You can make a difference too.

6. Get Involved in Local Environmental Action

There are a lot of research groups and organizations that will help you get involved and make a difference in the environment. Organizations such as Earth Rangers, Environmental Youth Alliance, and Sustainable Youth Canada provide youth tools and a platform to raise awareness around environmental issues. Others, like Citizens for Public Justice, offer campaigns -- like Give it up for the Earth! -- and resources that you can share with your school or faith community. You can help raise awareness about climate change and make a positive contribution to environmental action.

We have witnessed the impact of advocacy on environmental change through the work of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. In the category of “go big or go home,” there is a growing youth-led movement taking the world by storm. Inspired by her actions, students in Europe, Australia, the U.S. and Canada are striking from school to emphasize the message that “adults are jeopardizing our future” by failing to take adequate action on climate change. By rallying together, these youth have created a strong voice of concern for the environment. Register to get involved and demand the government of Canada increase climate ambition.

7. Educate and Advocate

The scale of the climate crisis may seem daunting, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. In addition to the personal actions noted above, remember that as a Canadian citizen, your voice matters in the push for climate action from the government.

One of the only effective and substantial ways to ensure reduced emissions from the oil and gas sector is for government regulation and incentives to transition away from this GHG-intensive energy source in Canada. By voicing your concern for the emissions produced and your support for a cleaner economy, you are advocating for a healthy climate and a greener future for all.

As the next generation, this is your Earth. Take the opportunity to educate others on climate change and GHG emissions. You can start by educating the adults in your life on these simple steps on how to reduce your own ecological footprint. It can be as simple as a conversation at the dinner table. Regardless, take the time to educate the people around you.

You can also write a letter to your Member of Parliament, or a company, like Netflix, whose policies and practices you would like to see improved. Using the information shared here, you can start a petition using change.org (or a similar platform) to encourage change, or even start a petition on the House of Commons website or at your local municipal government.

Yes! You can make a difference!

As a global community, we are facing a major climate crisis. Fortunately, we all have the power to be a part of the change we want to see, including YOU!

Your actions and your voice matters. Today’s adults – parents, teachers, religious leaders, and politicians – cannot deny that you and your peers will carry the burden if significant action is not taken to address climate change. Changes to how we live, what we buy, and how we participate in our community.

Be the change!


Enjoy the memes on topic created by Deborah and Gideon Sitorus. Would you like to add others to the collection? Let us know!


2 thoughts on “7 Ways Youth Can Reduce Their Ecological Footprints”

  1. Thank you so much for this. It really helped me learn about ways to reduce my ecological footprint and helped me create my presentation.
    Again thank you:)

  2. Thank you so much for this. It really helped me learn about ways to reduce my ecological footprint and helped me create my presentation.


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