Citizens for Public Justice to host cross-Canada tour ahead of 2019 federal election

By Citizens for Public Justice

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Unceded Algonquin Territory [OTTAWA] (August 22, 2019)

Ahead of the 2019 federal election, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) will be hosting a series of free, non-partisan events across Canada aimed at equipping voters to engage in the political process in a meaningful way.

CPJ’s 2019 Fall Tour will provide the electorate with information to better understand important policy issues related to CPJ’s core policy areas: poverty in Canada, ecological justice, refugee rights, and democratic reform.

Based on CPJ’s recently published 2019 Election Bulletin, the cross-Canada tour will pose questions to ask federal candidates and direct attendees to further resources as they prepare to cast their votes in the upcoming federal election.

Alongside community partners from across the country, including the Canadian Poverty Institute, the Green New Deal Canada,  the World University Service of Canada Regina, and many more, CPJ’s Fall Tour will provide a non-partisan look at major issues leading up to Canada’s federal election as well as provide an opportunity to meet CPJ’s new Executive Director, Willard Metzger, who joined the organization last winter.

“We’re in an extremely important moment,” says Metzger. “Federal elections present the opportunity for citizens to shape the kind of country they’d like to create.”

“With our fall tour, we’re hoping to remind Canadians that as citizens, they have not only the privilege but also the responsibility to leverage their voices for the cause of justice in this country.”

Various CPJ staff will be travelling to the following locations across Canada on the following dates:

Surrey – September 10, 2019
Edmonton – September 11, 2019
Calgary – September 12, 2019
Regina – September 17, 2019
Winnipeg – September 18, 2019
Montreal – September 24, 2019
St. John’s – September 25, 2019
Halifax – September 26, 2019
Waterloo – October 1, 2019
Toronto – October 3, 2019
Ottawa – October 8, 2019

The Fall Tour format will vary slightly from one location to the next, but each event will include a deep dive into key questions about what it means to be an active citizen and how Canadians can engage in democracy in a way that considers the common good.

With these events, CPJ hopes to encourage Canadians, and particularly people of faith, to take part in important public justice conversations, participate in the democratic process, and ultimately consider how their vote might shape a just Canada for all.

Full information about fall tour registration, locations, and times can be found on CPJ’s website here:

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Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national organization that promotes public justice in Canada by shaping key policy debates through research and analysis, publishing and public dialogue. CPJ encourages citizens, leaders in society and governments to support policies and practices that reflect God’s call for love, justice and the flourishing of creation. To learn more, or become a member, visit

For more information, contact the Communications Coordinator at ac.jpcobfsctd-f98f0@jpc or 613-232-0275 x 225.

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