Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Canada backpedals on refugee rights with latest Budget Implementation Act

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) condemns the new changes to Canada’s refugee determination system outlined in Bill C-97, the Budget Implementation Act. CPJ stands alongside the Canadian Council for Refugees and other advocates who have expressed concern on these amendments.

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Poverty Reduction Act a significant step forward in Budget Bill

The Dignity for All Campaign and Campaign 2000 welcome critical federal action on poverty in the 2019 Budget Implementation Act.

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National Anti Poverty Plan

Report on climate change impacts in Canada demands urgent action

Report on climate change impacts in Canada demands urgent action.

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In Review – Spring 2019

In November and December, CPJ attended the House of Commons’ All Party Anti-Poverty Caucus (APAPC) meetings on the topics of child poverty and poverty among newcomers in Canada.

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Press Release: Pre-election Budget postpones needed policy changes

While Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) notes that Budget 2019 contains many important policy pitches, delayed spending timelines mean that many pressing issues will not receive needed action. 

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Budget 2019 presents big ideas but lacks action

With their last federal Budget ahead of the 2019 election, the Federal government has laid out some important policy pitches. Yet delayed timelines mean pressing issues will not receive needed action. 

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Join CPJ’s Board

Citizens for Public Justice is no longer accepting nominations to our Board of Directors. 

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Putting our Money where our Mouth is: Climate Change and Public Finance in Canada

It is time for policy and financial decisions that move us towards the Paris Agreement. The Government of Canada not only has an historic responsibility to end this funding, but this is also a tremendous opportunity to provide climate leadership by taking meaningful action.

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The Right to Truly “Universal” Healthcare

The simple fact is that Canada needs a pharmacare plan. This would not only improve the health of those within the country and uphold their right to health, but it would also make more fiscal sense.

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Willard Metzger

CPJ board welcomes new Executive Director

The Board of Directors of Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is pleased to announce the hiring of Willard Metzger as Executive Director.

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