Writing a One-Page Brief

See a sample letter (WORD | PDF)

A one-page brief is a useful tool to communicate your message to MPs, the media, and others. The one-page brief summarizes the problem, the background information, and the solutions that you propose. This is a good resource to bring to a meeting with an MP, to give to the media (for instance, if you are holding a media-covered event), or for anyone who is interested in learning about your issue.

A one-page brief is particularly helpful if you are working with others on the issue.  Having key ideas summarized in one page will help to maintain consistency within your group or organization.  If one page is not enough to cover the essentials, it may spill over to a second page.  Anything longer than two pages will probably not be read in full.

Your one-page brief should include:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • Your key message.
  • The problem as you see it.
  • Background on the issue and, if appropriate, your past involvement in it.
  • The rationale for your solution.
  • Your recommendations.
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    Go Deeper

    For more information on political activism, see Amanda Sussman’s book, The Art of the Possible.

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