Tools for Education

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The Blanket Exercise

KAIROS Canada and the Aboriginal Rights Coalition worked with Indigenous elders and teachers to develop this tool to learn about the relationship between the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal (especially government) community. The exercise uses blankets to represent the lands (what is now Canada), and the distinct First Nations that remain in Canada today. Participants represent the First Peoples. There are various scripts available for adults/teens and children. Get more information and access The Blanket Exercise resources from KAIROS Canada.

The Power Flower Exercise

This exercise is meant to help individuals understand who they are (and who they are not) in relation to those who wield the power in society. Get more information about this exercise from the United Church of Canada.

Dish on Dignity

The purpose of this experience is to bring people living in poverty together with political representatives. A meal is shared and roundtable discussion allows everyone to learn from each other. For more information, see the Additional Activities section of CPJ’s Living Justice

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