CPJ’s calls for justice and peace in response to the war in Gaza

By Citizens for Public Justice

As a faith-inspired organization that seeks refugee and migrant rights, poverty eradication, and climate justice, CPJ often speaks to the many ways in which our policy decisions in one sphere are inextricably connected to others. While our research and advocacy focus on the federal domestic level, we recognize that these interconnections apply to both domestic and international Canadian policies. 

CPJ is also committed to acting in solidarity with those experiencing injustice and oppression, recognizing in particular the harms of colonial violence and the suppression of political, social, cultural, and economic human rights.

In light of these convictions, CPJ has made several calls for justice and peace in response to the war in Gaza.

  • We call for immediate and permanent peace through a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.
  • We call on the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Marc Miller, to address the limitations of the Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) program for Palestinians and ensure equitable, accessible, and dignified pathways to safety for Palestinians fleeing catastrophic humanitarian conditions.
  •  We call for an end to the blockade of Gaza and for the free flow of humanitarian aid.
  • We call for the Government of Canada to impose a full and immediate arms embargo on Israel. 

For more information, please contact ac.jpcobfsctd-7ac6a5@aidem.

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