CPJ board welcomes new Executive Director

By Citizens for Public Justice


Ottawa, ON: January 9, 2019 – The Board of Directors of Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is pleased to announce the hiring of Willard Metzger as Executive Director.

“As chair of CPJ’s Board of Directors, I was privileged to be part of our five-person Hiring Committee. The committee’s decision was difficult, but eventually, it became clear that Willard Metzger was the best choice,” said Jim Dekker, board chair. “We are confident that Willard will continue to follow the visionary leadership that Joe Gunn has shown for the last ten years. Willard will begin working on January 31, 2019.”

Willard comes to this position after many years as an ordained pastor of Mennonite Church Canada. He served Mennonite congregations for 18 years before moving to World Vision in 2005. After 5 years developing World Vision’s brand new Church Relations program, Willard moved on to become Executive Director of Mennonite Church Canada, where he spearheaded the consolidation of the denomination’s five regions, a difficult task that helped put the church in a firm financial position. Willard has retained his credentials as an ordained pastor through all these moves and we trust that will continue in his position as ED for CPJ. Besides his career in the Mennonite Church and World Vision, Willard has been on the Executive of the Canadian Council of Churches.

CPJ’s Board of Directors cordially and eagerly welcomes Willard Metzger to CPJ. We have confidence that God has provided a person to broaden and deepen CPJ’s work in developing and proposing public policies that will contribute to making the political realm a place that promotes justice for all in our nation.

“This is an important time in history for people in Canada to partner together in resisting populist and nationalist forces and assure an environment that provides justice for all. CPJ is a platform that can unite a diverse population for a common cause,” said Willard Metzger.

“I am thrilled to join the family of CPJ and look forward to working together with an excellent staff and engaged membership.”

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national organization that promotes public justice in Canada by shaping key policy debates through research and analysis, publishing and public dialogue. CPJ encourages citizens, leaders in society and governments to support policies and practices that reflect God’s call for love, justice and stewardship.

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For more information, contact Deborah Mebude at ac.jpcobfsctd@bed or 613-232-0275 x 225

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