Research: Climate Justice

CPJ's staff and supporters at the Climate Strike in Ottawa.

Fair? Not quite. The 2024 Federal Budget through a public justice lens.

Did the 2024 Federal Budget pass CPJ’s “public justice test”? The answer is no: important steps were taken, but not at a sufficient level of ambition to change the status quo – and certainly not enough to fulfill the budget’s stated promise of “fairness for every generation.” In this brief analysis, we elaborate on key highlights related to CPJ’s priority areas.

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Sustainability and Earth protection driven community work concept

Emissions Down and Justice All Around

The scientific requirement of transformational climate action signalled by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) echoes Indigenous voices and affirms the knowledge and experience of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples who have cared for, and defended the lands, waters, and ecosystems across this land for generations. The scale of change required can feel…

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Restoring Indigenous Rights

This paper draws on the invaluable insights of Indigenous activists, scholars, and experts to explore how implementing the UN Declaration can advance climate justice in Canada.

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Busting Myths About Climate Change in Canada

Updated on November 22, 2022 MYTH The climate has always been changing; what’s happening now is no different. FACT Climate refers to atmospheric conditions over a long period of time: years to centuries. The climate we experience results from complex chemical, physical, and biological processes that interact with complicated social and political structures. As creatures…

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Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don't Belong in our Climate Policy

Fossil Fuel Subsidies Don’t Belong in Our Climate Policy

CPJ has long advocated for an end to federal subsidies to the fossil fuel sector. In an effort to highlight this grave inconsistency in Canadian energy and climate policy, we made fossil fuel subsidies the focus of our 2018 Give it up for the Earth! campaign.

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Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

Infographic: Not all oil is created equal

The oil and gas sector produces more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than any other sector of the Canadian economy. Even without considering their end use for things like heating fuels or gasoline, the extraction, transportation, and refining of oil and gas contributes more than a quarter of Canada’s total emissions.

Beyond the volume of these emissions, we must also consider their carbon intensity – that is, the GHGs emitted for each unit of oil or gas produced.

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Infographic: Why the Fuss Over Oil and Gas?

When we talk about government action on climate change in Canada people often want to know, why do we put so much focus on reducing emissions from the oil and gas industry?

The oil and gas sector produces more greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than any other sector of the Canadian economy.

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Infographic: What is a tonne of greenhouse gas emissions?

Understanding GHG emissions can be challenging. We cannot actually see them accumulate. And they come from a variety of sources. It doesn’t help either that we usually talk about these emissions in big units which are hard to wrap our heads around. One megaton is a million tonnes.

So, to make it easier to understand we can ask: what Canadian sources are equivalent to one tonne of GHGs? How does it translate to the real world, and how do these sources contribute to overall emissions?

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Infographic: 8 Canadian Symptoms of Climate Change

The effects of climate change are seen and felt around the world. However, as Canadians, we may sometimes feel removed from climate change impacts. Here are eight symptoms of climate change that are happening in Canada.

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Climate Change 101

Infographic: Climate Change 101

A visual explanation of the science behind the warming of the Earth due to GHG emissions.

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