Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

House of Commons

Federal action on poverty delayed once again

Poverty Reduction Act voted down in House of Commons FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: December 6, 2016 — Yesterday, MPs voted down sending Bill C-245, the Poverty Reduction Act, to committee. This bill would have legislated a framework for a national poverty reduction strategy. As co-leaders of Dignity for All: The campaign for a poverty-free Canada,…

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Climate Change First Ministers’ Meeting

Climate plan good, but target falls far short

Prime Minister Trudeau has announced that Canada will indeed respond to the greatest ecological and moral challenge of our time. In a joint press release with provincial and territorial premiers and Indigenous leaders, Trudeau presented the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

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Climate plan indicates positive progress

CPJ commends GHG emissions reductions measures but Canada’s climate target is still insufficient FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: December 9, 2016 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged by the range of emissions-reduction measures contained in Canada’s national climate plan. And, we are committed to working to bring Canada’s plan in line with the spirit and the…

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Electoral system must be more accessible

CPJ encouraged by committee’s call for greater voter participation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: December 1, 2016 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) was encouraged to see today’s report from the Special Committee on Electoral Reform include a call to promote greater voter participation. “Any changes to Canada’s voting system must also be coupled with…

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Pipeline approval dashes hopes for climate leadership

Citizens for Public Justice fears that even the most ambitious climate action plan is now unlikely to overcome damage caused by pipelines.


Ottawa, ON: November 29, 2016 — CPJ is deeply saddened by the federal government’s approval of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline and Line 3 replacement project today. Prime Minister Trudeau’s failure to recognize the climate impacts of these massive projects flies in the face of Canada’s claims to climate leadership.

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Timelines and collaboration key to housing strategy

CPJ calls for clear timelines and collaboration with Indigenous Canadians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: November 22, 2016 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) looks forward to strong commitments out of today’s housing consultation report. Today, on National Housing Day. Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, reported on the public consultations conducted…

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CPJ encouraged by coal commitment

Citizens for Public Justice hopes to see similar measures on oil and gas FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: November 21, 2016 — Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is encouraged by Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna’s announcement today that Canada will phase out coal-fired electricity by 2030. “The commitment of transitioning electricity production to…

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Housing for All

Ensuring Safe, Affordable, and Adequate Housing for All

A National Housing Strategy for Canada

Submission to the National Housing Strategy Team

October 2016

​Read the Brief

The urgent need for a long-term, well funded National Housing Strategy is clear. 235,000 people in Canada experience homelessness each year.

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Faith and the way we vote

From the Catalyst, Winter 2016

A similar version of this article was published by ChristianWeek.

Canadians are eager to see changes to our electoral system – and soon. That was the promise made by the Liberals during the last campaign. 

But what does our Christian faith have to say about the way we vote in Canada?

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Thousands Across Canada Call for Federal Action on Poverty

Volunteers call for forthcoming national anti-poverty plan to assure the rights of people in living in poverty

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON, October 17, 2016 — Today, October 17th is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Volunteers across Canada are taking to the streets to participate in the fourth annual “ChewOnThis!” campaign. The campaign is organized by the Dignity for All campaign which is co-led by Canada Without Poverty (CWP) and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ).

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