Annual General Meeting 2023

This year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday, June 1st at 6 pm ET at Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto, ON. The AGM will be followed by a special 60th-anniversary celebration, with both events available in-person and online for your convenience.

Below is all the information you need as a CPJ member to participate in our 2023 AGM. Voting for these governance questions is an opportunity for you, as a member, to participate in decision-making. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to direct the affairs of your organization.

At the bottom of this page, you will find a link to fill in an online ballot to submit your votes, get details on how to join CPJ’s AGM, and update your contact information with CPJ. Online ballots will only be valid if they are submitted by May 31.

If you have any questions, please contact Michael Krakowiak by calling 1-800-667-8046 x230 or emailing

CPJ’s 2022 Annual Report/2023 Budget

The proposed 2023 budget, complete with comparative figures for 2022 and the Treasurer’s report, is on the back page of CPJ’s 2022 Annual Report (PDF.)

CPJ has experienced a significant impact due to the global pandemic and the subsequent fear of recession. As indicated in the financial report, CPJ concluded the fiscal year with a substantial deficit. To address the disappointing year-end results, operating reserves were utilized. Nevertheless, as we approach our 60th-anniversary celebration in 2023, CPJ anticipates a financial resurgence. Eager to restore our team to pre-pandemic levels, we plan to rehire staff as in-person events recommence. To make this possible, we rely on the ongoing, generous support of our members. CPJ remains committed to strategically investing in our campaigns and resources, maximizing the impact of every donation.

CPJ’s growing annual national campaigns continue to gather momentum for progressive public policy solutions to tackle the climate crisis, immigration, and poverty in Canada. This year, we are reaching out to new and diverse communities nationwide, encouraging their participation in the quest for public justice. CPJ is dedicated to listening, learning, and evolving. During this year’s 60th anniversary celebrations, we will reflect on past accomplishments and partnerships while examining future opportunities and intergenerational advocacy. As we commemorate this historic milestone, your ongoing support allows us to confidently anticipate the far-reaching effects our advocacy will have on Canada’s public policies for the next sixty years.

Board Member Completing Term

Charles Kooger (Saskatchewan / Manitoba / Nunavut) has completed his term.

New Board Nominee

Click on the name below to show information on the nominee.

Board Renominees

Two current Board members, Marlene Bergsma (South-Western Ontario) and Michael DeMoor (Northern Alberta / Northwest Territiories), have completed one term and have agreed to allow their names to stand for a second term.

The CPJ board would like to ask the membership to confirm the election of the four members who seek to serve. Information on the renominees is below (click on names to show.)

Current Board Members

Below is a list of members who continue to serve on the CPJ Board (click on names to show.)


CPJ’s Board of Directors proposes that CPJ’s members appoint the firm of Ouseley Harvey Clipsham Deep LLP as the CPJ auditor for 2023. (CPJ currently uses this firm.)


As part of your approval of and commitment to this year’s budget, please consider sending your 2023 membership fee at this time if you have not done so already this year. Any annual financial contribution entitles you to membership privileges.

Please also consider monthly pre-authorized deductions or credit card donations as a form of giving. This provides us with a steady and predictable income throughout the year. To submit your membership fee, go to You can also do it when registering your vote through the online ballot.


This year’s AGM will be held on June 1 at 6 pm ET at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto, ON. The AGM will be followed by a special 60th-anniversary celebration, with both events available in-person and online for your convenience.

Online Ballot

Click below to fill out our online ballot to vote, get details on how to join our AGM, and update your contact information with CPJ.

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