Advocacy Resources

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Aaker, J. & Smith, A. (2010). The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways to Use Social
Media to Drive Social Change.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Forsey, E. How Canadian Govern Themselves, Parliament of Canada (PDF)

Longhurst, J. (2006). Making the News: An Essential Guide for Effective Media Relations. Ottawa, ON: Saint Paul University Press.

Milne, G. (2007). Making Policy: A Guide to the Federal Government’s Policy Process. Ottawa, ON.
(Available at

Sussman, A. (2007). The Art of the Possible: A Handbook for Political Activism. Toronto, ON:
McLelland & Stewart Ltd.


Apathy is Boring—a Canadian organization that uses art and technology to educate youth about democracy. They envision a Canada where youth are active decision-makers at all levels of the democratic process. Visit their website at

Canada Revenue Agency: regulations for charities doing advocacy work. Visit CRA’s webpage on Political Activities at

Community Toolbox; University of Kansas—“Tools to Change our World” at

Craftivism (craft+activism) is a non-traditional way to draw attention to the policy or issue using artwork.

Nonprofit Tech for Good—for helpful ideas on how to best use social media for advocacy at

Parliament of Canada LEGISinfo website—provides information on bills currently undergoing the parliamentary process at

Political Advocacy Toolkit for Teens; Florida Youth Commission (PDF) retrieved from

UNICEF Advocacy Toolkit (PDF)

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