Help Shape the Canada Disability Benefit: Your Voice Matters

By Citizens for Public Justice

By Eyanda Sally Abang

When the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) was announced in the 2024 federal budget, it got a lot of us excited. A survey by Angus Reid showed that a huge majority of Canadians—nine-in-ten—were on board with the idea. Even with all that enthusiasm, many people were skeptical about whether this benefit would meet the challenges of people with disabilities experiencing poverty. As the saying goes, the devil is in the details! 

Now that the draft regulations have been released, advocates are raising red flags that the benefit (as proposed) will fall far short of its promised outcomes. There’s a big concern that it won’t provide the financial support that’s really needed, leaving many struggling to afford food and shelter—not to mention the many additional expenses associated with living with a disability. According to Maytree’s 2024 Advocacy Toolkit, one major issue is the fear that the CDB might be treated as unearned income, which could reduce other forms of support or trigger clawbacks. This could leave many struggling to afford necessities such as medical expenses, food, shelter, and the additional expenses related to living with a disability. Plus, the application process and eligibility criteria are long, complicated, and expensive, adding another layer of stress for those who need help the most. 

But here’s the good news: there’s still time to make your voice heard and help shape the final version of this benefit.

Policymakers are inviting comments and responses to the draft CDB regulations until September 23.

People are already stepping up and sharing their personal stories. One person shared, “I have a single adult son in Saskatoon with a disability that prevents him from holding a regular job. He receives $565 a month for housing, but that’s far below the $900 he needs for decent housing. He’s constantly anxious about where he’ll live.”

It’s not just individuals speaking out. Groups and organizations are coming together to submit open letters, adding more weight to the push for a better CDB. Whether you share your personal experience or join a group effort, your input can make a real difference.

Let’s make sure the CDB becomes what it was meant to be. Submit your response by September 23.

Don’t wait—take action now! Your voice can help create a better future for people with disabilities across Canada.

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