Volunteer with CPJ

Our volunteers are the glue of CPJ. Deeply committed to justice in Canada, our volunteers across the country support CPJ staff daily. We welcome you to join our work!

Below you’ll find a list of volunteer positions at CPJ. If you are interested in getting more involved, fill out the form below. You can expect to hear back from a CPJ staff or board member within a week.

[accordion openfirst=true clicktoclose=true tag=h3][accordion-item title=”Chew on This!” state=closed][accordion collapsed]

Organize an event for Chew on This!, our annual outreach campaign on October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Each years, dozens of communities and groups across Canada organize an event. The specifics are up to you, but each event will distribute a Chew on This! bag that includes and magnet, and food item, and a postcard that calls for Canada to develop a strong, national anti-poverty plan.

When: Every year on October 17.
Who: Anyone, including food banks, churches, schools, universities, and community groups.
Time commitment: Depending on the size of your event, about 20-40 hours between August and October.


[accordion-item title=”Give it up for the Earth!” state=closed]

Give it up for the Earth! raises awareness about climate change, and collects signatures as a demonstration of support for increased federal government action.

The aims of Give it up for the Earth! are (1) to raise awareness about climate change, and (2) to collect signatures as a demonstration of support for increased federal government action. How you do this is up to you. The event guide you will recieve has some ideas to get you started that fall into three categories of events: captive audience, community outreach, and online. You can choose one, do a combination, or come up with something else altogether.

When: Every year during Lent (February/March/April).
Who: Anyone can participate, including churches, schools, universities, and community groups.
Time commitment: Depending on the size of your event, about 20-40 hours between January and March/April.


[accordion-item title=”Volunteer at our Ottawa office” state=closed]

Making telephone calls, preparing outreach mailing, and helping with data entry are just a few of the ways that our volunteers generously give of their time at the CPJ office.

*Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteering in our Ottawa office is temporarily on hold. 

When: September – May.
Who: Anyone interested in CPJ’s work and looking for a volunteer opportunity.
Time commitment: A minimum commitment of once or twice/week for at least three months.


[accordion-item title=”Special Events” state=closed]

Being based in Ottawa makes it tough for CPJ to be everywhere we want to be. Our members represent CPJ as various events across Canada. You can volunteer to set-up a CPJ table at an event near you using our resources. Or help out at an event CPJ is organizing in Ottawa or elsewhere.

When: Year-round.
Who: Anyone interested in CPJ’s work and looking for a volunteer opportunity.
Time commitment: As needed, based on events that are planned.


  • (ie. hours/week, which months of the year)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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