Take Action: Refugee Rights

Continuing Welcome

CPJ's latest report on refugee rights, Continuing Welcome analyses the federal government’s efforts to address the refugee sponsorship challenges raised by Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs) in A Half Welcome

This report tracks progress that has been achieved over the past three years on long wait times and backlogs, allocation limits, and travel loans⁠—the core concerns for SAHs. It also addresses arising issues such as additionality in sponsorship, SAH-government communication, family reunification, and program monitoring.

While there have been some improvements in the refugee resettlement process in the past three years, significant gaps remain.

CPJ and the Christian Reformed Centre for Public Dialogue have prepared an online action to support the recommendations in Continuing Welcome. Please join us in encouraging Canada to continue deepening its commitment to welcoming refugees as an integrated element of pandemic response and recovery.

Call on your MP to urgently address these barriers to refugee sponsorship in Canada.

Citizens for Public Justice, the Centre for Public Dialogue, and other partners will be doing regular advocacy on the findings of Continuing Welcome in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information and action opportunities.

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