Take Action

Poverty in Canada

Each year, on October 17, people across Canada gathered in their communities for Chew on This! an annual event to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Climate Justice

Engage in CPJ’s climate justice calls to action and campaigns. As an expression of love for God’s awesome creation, tell your MP that you, as a person of faith, want meaningful climate action – consistent with the principles of the Paris Agreement – to reduce GHG emissions and address climate change.

Refugee Rights

Use our advocacy resources to call for just refugee policies in Canada, including an end to the Safe Third Country Agreement between Canada and the U.S. and the removal of travel loan repayment for resettled refugees.

Democratic Reform

CPJ has long advocated for a system of proportional representation in Canada. Join the call for the federal government keep its commitment to introducing a proportional representation system for Canada.

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