Student Event – Election 2025: Engaging Faithfully for the Common Good

Calling all students! A federal election is coming in the midst of political and social upheaval in Canada and around the world. Are you looking for information to guide what you’ll do with your vote? Are you wondering if there’s any point in engaging at all? How might faith inform the way we frame, process, and respond to pressing issues facing us today?

Join us virtually on your own or at a local watch party near you!

Together, we will:

  • Engage with panelists who can help cut through spin and misinformation on issues like affordability, peace, and the environment.
  • Share questions and insights in small group discussions (in virtual breakout rooms or at in-person watch parties)
  • Regroup and reflect on how we can act together in this election and beyond to bring about a better future.

March 25, 2025
6:30pm-8:00pm EDT
(3:30pm PDT & MST, 4:30pm MDT & CST, 5:30pm CDT, 7:30pm ADT, 8:00pm NDT)
Find your local time at

CPJ wishes to thank partners from Student Christian Movement, Ottawa Campus Chaplaincy, The Coady Institute, King’s University, and Ambrose University for their collaboration in planning this event.

Check out our discussion guide for the event!

At the event, we will be inviting you to share your thoughts with other attendees. For a preview of what we will be discussing, download the discussion guide [PDF].

Find or host a local watch party near you!

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Mar 25 2025


6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Citizens for Public Justice
Citizens for Public Justice

Other Organizers

Student Christian Movement
Ottawa Campus Chaplaincy
Canadian Poverty Institute | Ambrose University
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