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Quality Care, Quality Choices: Backgrounder & position paper

May 2010
Rooted in issues of early childhood development, gender equality, and poverty, the lack of a national childcare plan is having detrimental effects on many children and their families in Canada. It is clear that what is needed is an affordable, accessible, […]

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Protecting the Vulnerable

Brief to the Citizenship and Immigration Committee on Bill C-43

Submission to the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration 
November 2014
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“Protecting the Vulnerable” outlines the severe impact of these changes on persons with non-permanent status in Canada. It also presents findings from CPJ’s

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Decrease Obesity Rates by Ending Poverty

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology 
May 2015
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CPJ’s Executive Director, Joe Gunn, was invited to the Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology during their study of the increasing incidence of obesity in Canada. As they looked at causes, consequences, and […]

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Busting Myths About Poverty in Canada

MYTH Poverty is about bad personal choices. FACT Poverty is a complex and multifaceted reality. It is rooted in systemic barriers, structural injustice, inequity, and social exclusion. People living in poverty often experience discrimination based on gender, racialization, disability, and other forms of exclusion that prevent full engagement in society. In addition, a weakened […]

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Oil Rig

Oil and Gas Regulations: Fulfilling a Promise

By enacting strict GHG emissions standards across the entire oil and gas sector, our federal government can both fulfill its promises and care for the environment.

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Syrian Refugee Camp

Easing barriers for Syrian refugees

In the past few months, an increasing number of Canadians have called for government action in response to the urgent Syrian refugee crisis. While communities and individuals are stepping up to assist by participating in private sponsorship, barriers remain, both in terms of the numbers of refugees coming to Canada and in the supports […]

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After the Paris Agreement

Canadians prayed for 296 consecutive hours during Paris climate negotiations. Concerned kids, parents, farmers, musicians, scientists, grandmothers, ministers, national churches, and friends, all across Canada (and beyond!) participated.

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CPJ welcomes full reinstatement of refugee health care

For Immediate Release Ottawa, ON: February 18, 2016 – Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) welcomed a commitment today from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister John McCallum and Health Minister Jane Philpott to fully reinstate refugee health care.

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Stories from “Prayers for COP21 in Paris”

In the lead-up to the COP21 climate negotiations last December, Citizens for Public Justice produced resources to support faithful worship, action, and reflection on climate change. CPJ also coordinated a national prayer chain. Canadians were praying for climate justice for 296 consecutive hours during the climate negotiations.

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Faith Rooted in Migration Stories

From The Catalyst, Spring 2016by Naomi Kabugi The spirit of migration permeates, and to a large extent defines,the biblical narrative. This theme is found in Genesis, the Psalms, and Revelation.

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