Letter: More Action Required for Children

By Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ joined Campaign 2000 and over 250 other groups and individuals in sending a letter calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the federal COVID Cabinet Committee to ensure children living in poverty from marginalized communities are central to the pandemic response and recovery plan.

Written by the Campaign 2000 Steering Committee and endorsed by partners from across the country, the letter sets out a suite of immediate and longer-term policy solutions and fiscal investments to ensure that low-income children and families have the supports they need to survive the pandemic and thrive in the recovery.

The letter proposes a robust and bold plan of action.  This includes better investments and universal access to income supports, social infrastructure that prioritizes building and maintaining affordable, public childcare and housing systems as key to economic recovery efforts, and progressive tax measures to mitigate deepening inequality while generating revenue for COVID-related and poverty reduction expenditures.

Read the letter in English and in French.

4 thoughts on “Letter: More Action Required for Children”

  1. Great article. I think that it is much easier to gain support and sympathy for children and families who are struggling, but we must not forget the single people who are struggling with low-paid work or who are lingering on the social assistance system that does not support the basic costs of living. These people were living below poverty and experiencing tremendous struggles prior to the Covid-19 crisis. Many should be on Ontario Disability Support, but struggle on Ontario Works because eligibility criteria and policy prevents them from accessing Disability Support. These are the very people we should be concerned about who are most at risk of infection if they are not able to self-isolate. These are the people who are currently unable to access many food bank or other food distribution programs due to closure. We all need to do more to call for real systemic change that helps people instead of holding their heads under water.

    • Thanks for your comment, Rene. Campaign 2000 was originally formed to monitor and evaluate the 1989 all-party House of Commons resolution to end child poverty in Canada by the year 2000. The coalition began in 1991 out of concern about the lack of government progress in addressing child poverty. While their focus centers children and family, their research and recommendations extend beyond to all people facing intersecting barriers to full social and economic participation. You can visit their website at https://campaign2000.ca/ to learn more about their work and policy recommendations.

  2. The letter is great and it needs to be received by MPs in various reworded or edited forms from constituents. to be more politically effective, A significant number of personal letters, phone calls and meetings need to be received by MPs for them to be increasingly concerned and to create a political buzz. I know because I worked in an advisory council office. Letter represent numbers of constituents who are upset and concerned about a particular issue. To be effective is to be familiar with social media and ways to facilitate/enhance public outcry directed at our specific elected representatives !

    • Thanks for your comment, Michelle. We agree that personalized communication is indeed more powerful, particularly when directed to a local MP. Our letter was shared in a editable Word document to our Chew on This! organizers to allow for personalization, and we encourage organizers to engage with local MPs and Federal Ministers, as well as media, during their Chew on This! events. Thanks for sharing your expertise! We always welcome input as we’re planning our campaigns, so keep an eye out for future calls for organizers!


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