Infographic: Guaranteed Livable Income in Canada

By Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ’s infographic comparing Canada’s current welfare system to a Guaranteed Livable Income.

For more information, see our Guaranteed Livable Income resources.


Commission for the Review of Social Assistance in Ontario, What We Heard: A summary of discussions on social assistance, February 2012.

Evelyn Forget, The Town With No Poverty: The health effects of a Canadian Guaranteed Annual Income field experiment, Canadian Public Policy, Sept. 2011.

Institut de la statistique du Québec, Clientèle de l’aide sociale, 2005-2009 , 2010.

Jeremy Leonard, Christopher Ragan and France St‐Hilaire (co‐editors), A Canadian Priorities Agenda: Policy Choices to Improve Economic and Social Well‐Being, Institute for Research on Public Policy, October 2007.
National Council of Welfare, The Dollars and Sense of Solving Poverty, Autumn 2011.
National Council of Welfare, Welfare Incomes 2009, Winter 2010.
National Council of Welfare, Welfare Incomes 2011, 2012.
Ontario Association of Food Banks, The Cost of Poverty: An analysis of the economic cost of poverty in Ontario, 2008.
Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 202-0804.
TD Economics, An Economist’s Case for Volunteering, April 2012.
Calculations on current cost of welfare benefits and administration provided by John Stapleton, Open Policy Ontario.
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