The Hon. John McKay, MP on Gerald

By Citizens for Public Justice

Gerry referred to me with his slight Dutch lilt as his brother, so I am pleased to be asked to say a few words in tribute to “my brother” today.

You know, when Gerry called or visited, you knew he was going to bring “an ask,” and that whatever he asked you were going to give him. He couldn’t be denied!

  • A meeting with a minister – no problem
  • An appearance before the Finance Committee – consider it done
  • Funds for an anti-poverty project – may take a little longer but you knew you were in the GV web

Why was he able to convince us? – because he wasn`t in it for himself.

In fact you knew it was going to cost him time and energy which he surely knew was draining out of him as he came to the end of his life.

Why was he able to convince us? – because there can be said of few among us that he sought justice, to be merciful, to walk humbly with his god.

Seldom have I met a man who walked that talk and talked the walk.

His sense of morality and personal integrity were so integrated with his theology and love of god as to be virtually seamless.

I know I should stop here Wynne. Beatification becomes the Gerry we knew and loved…

The second to last time we met he came to hear Romeo Dallaire speak at an event, and those of you who know Romeo can agree that he is a dynamic and forceful speaker. Here Gerry is in a photo leading the standing ovation after Romeo`s speech. After the Dallaire event a young Tamil man told me he had been sitting next to the most interesting man…Gerry! Gerry wanted a transcript of Romeo`s remarks for publication; he was always thinking how to increase the impact of an event and a message.

The last time I saw him was with my daughter Rachel. He wanted to talk to her about her career decisions…It was so Gerry, thinking of personal relations and friends first.

I will miss my brother, my friend, my mentor…Gerry.

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