CPJ Joins Calls for a Federal Basic Income Framework

By Citizens for Public Justice

On September 25, CPJ Socio-Economic Policy Analyst Natalie Appleyard joined MP Leah Gazan and Senator Kim Pate in a press conference ahead of the House of Commons vote on Bill C-223: an Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income. Senator Pate is sponsoring a parallel bill in the Senate, Bill S-233.

CPJ has worked with policy researchers, academics, community service providers, faith communities, Indigenous organizations, and individual people who live with the daily realities of poverty to call for a guaranteed livable basic income (GLBI) in Canada. 

“Our governments have a legal and moral obligation to create the conditions in which all people can access an adequate standard of living. This obligation includes the allocation of public funds where they are most needed and can be most effective, as well as regulatory controls and the generation of revenue to support these investments,” says Natalie.

Watch the recorded livestream of the press conference below.

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