Faith Organizations Join Forces for Earth’s Sake

Published in 2035 on May 5, 2020

A coalition of Catholic and other faith-based organizations and social justice groups are joining forces in a new initiative to unify the voices demanding action to address climate change.

The campaign, called “For the Love of Creation,” launched April 22, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. It sets out several ways they hope to harness the “long history of work in ecological conservation, environmental activism and advocacy for climate justice.”

The way governments in Canada have co-ordinated efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 is an example of what can be done if governments work together, said Karri Munn-Venn, senior policy analyst for CPJ.

“We have seen what our governments can do if there is political will to act quickly,” she said, adding that the next decade is “crucial” if society hopes to significantly address climate change.

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