Editor’s Note

By Citizens for Public Justice

From The Catalyst Summer 2014

Over the past two years, I have had the pleasure of working for CPJ as both Public Justice Intern and now as Communications Coordinator. Hands down, the best part of either job is getting out of the office, meeting with members, and hearing your feedback. Your positive comments encourage us to continue our work and your constructive comments guide as we re-examine it.

CPJ staff and board members can often be found throughout Canada speaking about poverty and ecological justice. I was recently in Winnipeg where I met with CPJ supporters and partners. I was also able to introduce CPJ to some new people such as Alisson Chubb who contributed our Groundings reflection. Already this year, Joe Gunn has been to Nova Scotia, southwestern Ontario, and Edmonton.

Our Annual General Meeting is always a great opportunity for members to reconnect and discuss the work of CPJ. This year we met in Ottawa. For those of you who couldn’t make it, we’ve included an excerpt from Dr. Doug Gruner’s keynote address.

CPJ is not able to get around the country as much as we would like. That’s what makes The Catalyst, JusticE-News (our monthly e-newsletter), and other communications outlets so critical.

The Catalyst is a publication exclusively for CPJ’s members from across the country. You’ll notice that in this edition we’ve started a new section for Letters to the Editor. This is your space to join the conversation by responding to the articles you read here. It’s also a great opportunity to highlight the many public justice activities you are engaged in across Canada.

We hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity and contribute your voice to this public justice dialogue.

Brad Wassink

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