Chew on This! 2018 is around the corner!

By Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ and the Dignity for All campaign are preparing for our 6th annual nation-wide Chew on This! campaign.

Each year on October 17th, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, people across the country engage their communities about poverty in Canada and the need for the federal government to create a comprehensive, human rights-based, and fully-funded anti-poverty plan.

For the past two years, Chew on This! groups across Canada have called on Minister Jean-Yves Duclos to create a strong national anti-poverty strategy.

Following the release of Opportunities for All, Canada’s first national poverty reduction strategy, Dignity for All provided analysis of the strategy in light of our own model national anti-poverty plan.

While Opportunities for All is an important step forward, there is much more needed to implement and go beyond the strategy’s targets. Stronger policy and funding commitments are needed for the strategy to reach the ultimate goal of poverty eradication in Canada.

This year, Chew on This! is more important than ever! We are calling on Prime Minister Trudeau directly to strengthen the strategy with immediate legislation and further investments in Budget 2019. We do not want to miss this opportunity to strengthen and implement the poverty reduction strategy as we enter into 2019, an election year!

We’ll have over 80 groups, in every province and territory, handing out lunch bags and postcards to people in public spaces, community centres, churches, schools, and universities. And, again this year, we have postcards available in English, French, and Inuktitut!

All people in Canada should live with dignity, free of social and economic marginalization.

We can do better – We still need a plan to END poverty in Canada!

Join Dignity for All’s 2018 Chew on This! campaign to make a difference.

For more information, go to Dignity for All’s Chew on This! webpage or contact Darlene O’Leary ().

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