StatsCan looking to redefine poverty line
December 26, 2019CPJ’s Natalie Appleyard spoke to Global News about StatsCan’s forthcoming updates to Canada’s measure of poverty.
CPJ’s Natalie Appleyard spoke to Global News about StatsCan’s forthcoming updates to Canada’s measure of poverty.
Poverty in Canada is a crisis that needs to be prioritized. The fact that we do not see it this way betrays some of our deeply held beliefs about who is poor, why people are poor, and what (if any) are the responsibilities of governments and citizens to do something about it.
A group of people gathered at Parliament Hill on Oct. 17 to deliver a message to all political leaders in Canada that they must take the level of poverty in Canada seriously.
What does it mean to say we want to end poverty in Canada? More than an act of charity, this is a question of basic rights. Poverty forces people to make impossible choices about which of their basic needs will be met each day. Beyond just material deprivation, poverty seeds social exclusion that undermines people’s…
Canada’s largest anti-poverty campaign joins the worldwide movement on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
CPJ leadership has been travelling across Canada for a pre-election tour to help explain what’s at stake when we take to the polls on Oct. 21. Thankfully they added a Hamilton stop to the tour next week.
Ending Poverty in Canada As people of faith, we know that we are called to engage with our world in a way that recognizes and affirms the dignity of all people. We are also called to challenge structures and institutions that create barriers to full life and dignity by working for justice. In Canada today,…
Public transit has a vital role to play in reducing emissions (and addressing climate change) by minimizing car commuting, and it needs to effectively serve commuters.
MYTH Poverty is about bad personal choices. FACT Poverty is a complex and multifaceted reality. It is rooted in systemic barriers, structural injustice, inequity, and social exclusion. People living in poverty often experience discrimination based on gender, racialization, disability, and other forms of exclusion that prevent full engagement in society. In addition, a weakened social…
For the past decade, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) and the Dignity for All campaign have called for a national anti-poverty strategy for Canada that is comprehensive, rights-based, legislated and fully funded.