News: Climate Justice

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Oilsands Fort McMurray

Is There Any Reason to Celebrate this Earth Day?

Originally published in The Hill Times. Community clean-ups and tree planting events are taking place across the country this week. But the celebratory sounds of these Earth Day events may be overwhelmed by the echoing alarm bells sounded by the global scientific community. Leaving us to question: is there any reason to celebrate? “Global emissions…

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Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia is Cleaning Up Its Act

“These standards make Nova Scotia one of the most progressive energy jurisdictions in the world”

– Darrell Dexter, former Premier of Nova Scotia 

Nova Scotia is making major moves to renewable energy sources that can be seen as a benchmark for the rest of the country. The province, notorious for its reliance on coal, has begun a shift towards renewable resources. In April 2010, Nova Scotia passed the Renewable Energy Plan, committing to have 25% of its energy come from renewable resources by 2015 and 40% reliant on renewables by 2020. Nova Scotia is seeing the results of these measures already with the use of renewable energy sources increasing from 11 to 17% between 2006 and 2011 and it is expected that the 2020 target will be met.

How is Nova Scotia meeting these ambitious commitments? Here are five key changes:

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Carbon pricing would boost government’s credibility

(Originally published in Embassy News) The timing seems all too perfect. The critical COP 21 climate conference in Paris at the end of 2015 comes but a few months after the next federal election here in Canada. Nearly two years out, preparations for both events have already begun. But will they actually coincide to bring…

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Dry earth and green field

Living Ecological Justice: Redemption vs. Restoration

Creation has always been renewing – and restoring – itself, as long as humanity leaves it well alone. However, due to humans’ determination to exercise control and authority over creation, we are rapidly undoing what God spoke into being, disrupting a divinely designed balance. To begin participating in creation’s restorative processes calls for a change in our attitude or a modification of perspectives with regards to the role of human beings in creation.

Leah Kostamo’s reflection on Colossians 1: 1520 left me considering the difference between redemption and restoration.

This is the second in a series of reflections, contemplating the themes explored by contributors to CPJ’s “Living Ecological Justice: A Biblical Response to the Environmental Crisis.”

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Think Green

4 Ways to Think Green at Church

Why getting rid of paper bulletins and disposable coffee cups won’t cut it.

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Pathway through birch forest

Living Ecological Justice: What is Stewardship?

The concept of stewardship often triggers conversations about management of finances and resources within a faith community. However, Stephen Bede Scharper challenges us to step beyond monetary responsibility to the broader scope of intentional  ecological accountability. Being a good steward means taking care of what has been bestowed upon us as our responsibility. One of the greatest tasks of a good steward is to love and to care for their gift as the Creator would. The phrase “creation care” is suggested by Scharper to replace or supercede stewardship, but I challenge that instead of displacing “stewardship,” the church must redefine and transform its limited understanding of dominion in Genesis 1:26-28. 

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Living Ecological Justice: Videos

Films and short videos can enhance your discussions on climate change and ecological justice. What follows is a small sampling.

Please note that while we offer this material for your consideration, CPJ does not necessarily endorse the material or the messages contained in these videos.

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Living Ecological Justice: Additional Reading

A great deal of valuable material has been written on the global environmental crisis, the role of faith communities, the importance of advocacy, and the role that taxation and investment can play in improving the fate of creation.

An abbreviated list of resources is included in Living Ecological Justice (pp. 120-121), but there wasn’t room for everything. Included here is a more comprehensive list of recommended reading. We hope that this material will help you on your way to becoming a more engaged and effective advocate for creation.

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Thank you for purchasing Living Ecological Justice. A receipt from PayPal has been sent to the email address you have provided. If you find our resources helpful, we invite you to learn more about how you can join your voice to CPJ’s and help make lasting change.

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Growing Food Sovereignty in Gardens

Cultivating a mindful relationship with our food has never been more challenging or more important. Unlike preceding generations, the majority of us no longer live among those who grow our food. Much of the food sold in Canadian grocery stores has travelled long distances. And most eaters know remarkably little about their daily meals: Where was the food grown? By whom? Under what conditions?

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