Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Journeys to justice - part of book cover

Book Review: Journeys to Justice – Who’ll Carry the Mission?

From the Catalyst, Summer 2018

Journeys to Justice includes stories and reflections offered by a variety of justice seekers these past forty years. [Gunn] reveals in his own words and through the words of others, a desperation to make our world right and holy. This is not work done in isolation but rather it is communal work.

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dark Parliament

Letter to the PM: Do not weaken carbon pricing measures

August 2018

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Following the release of updates to the federal carbon pricing system for the country’s largest emitters, CPJ wrote to Prime Minister Trudeau to express concern about the changes announced and to urge his government to return the output-based standards to at most 70 and 80 per cent of GHG emissions intensity as outlined in the January 2018 framework document.

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Ontario island

CPJ joins call for Ontario climate action

August 8, 2018

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CPJ joined Climate Action Network Canada and colleague organizations to call on Ontario Premier Doug for to publicly commit to achieving Ontario’s existing legislated emissions reduction goals, and; table a detailed, scientifically sound plan to meet these legislated goals as soon as possible.

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Journeys to justice - part of book cover

Book Review: Journeys to Justice – Finding Hope in History

From the Catalyst, Summer 2018

“Dangerous memory” is how Rev. Christine Boyle characterizes the heritage of Christian social action in the ten stories in Journeys to Justice.  Hopeful, inspiring memories is the intent of Joe Gunn, according to his introductory letter to his children and the next generation.  Can they be both dangerous and inspiring?

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Summer bikes

All together now: How inclusion and sustainability promote Canadian well-being

CPJ 2018 pre-budget submission.

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Parliament of Canada

All together now – references

References: CPJ Submission Pre-Budget Consultation 2018

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Book Review: Turning Parliament Inside Out

 From the Catalyst, Summer 2018

Turning Parliament Inside Out: Practical Ideas for Reforming Canada’s Democracy

Edited by Michael Chong, Scott Simms, and Kennedy Stewart

Douglas & McIntyre, 2017

Reviewed by John Milloy 

Turning Parliament Inside Out is an attempt by a multi-party group of backbench Members of Parliament to identify ways to reform Parliament. In a series of well-written and accessible essays, these concerned MPs outline practical solutions for increasing the quality of debate, making Parliament more representative and curbing the power of party leaders and their staff. 

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A man waiting for a bus

Reclaiming Protection

“Reclaiming Protection” provides background on the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA), which has allowed the Canada Border Services Agency to return refugee claimants to the U.S. since December 2014. The policy is based on the premise that refugees should make their claim in the first “safe” country in which they arrive. But as anti-refugee policies continue to be introduced south of the border, there is much reason to believe that the U.S. is no longer a safe haven for many refugees.

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Canada’s Not So Safe Agreement

Letter: Stop calling refugee claimants “illegal”

June 2018

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As refugee claimants continue to arrive at Canada’s border from the United States, Canadians have been engaged in vigorous debate on how we should respond. International refugee law is clear that crossing the border outside of an official port of entry is legal. CPJ has asked that all Members of Parliament be careful in their use of language surrounding border crossers from the United States. A more appropriate term is “irregular refugee claimants.”

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CPJ’s New Board Members

CPJ is excited to welcome four new Board members. As our Board, staff, and supporters gathered in Toronto, CPJ elected Rene Adams, Harold Roscher, Cherilyn Spraakman, and Tiffany Talen. We are excited about the contributions they will bring to our work! Read on to learn more about these new additions to CPJ’s Board of Directors.

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