Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

A Just Transition for Canada: Action to Address the Climate Emergency

CPJ Pre-budget Brief to the federal Finance Committee on the theme “Climate Emergency: The Required Transition to a Low Carbon Economy.”

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CPJ welcomes the newly legislated Poverty Reduction Act

For the past decade, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) and the Dignity for All campaign have called for a national anti-poverty strategy for Canada that is comprehensive, rights-based, legislated and fully funded.

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Boat with refugees

Refugee Advocates Call for Canada’s Continued Welcome on World Refugee Day

On June 20, international World Refugee Day, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) joins this year’s theme to #StepWithRefugees. Alongside the UNHCR initiative to encourage people globally to walk, run or cycle one billion miles in recognition of the one billion miles refugees cover annually to reach safety, CPJ acknowledges that Canada has taken a few steps forward with refugees this year. Sadly, CPJ feels Canada has also taken a few too many steps backwards in our support of refugees.

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Christian climate advocates applaud federal commitment to emissions reductions, question inconsistency of Trans Mountain decision

There is overwhelming evidence that we face a climate emergency. That the Government of Canada has acknowledged that emergency and committed to additional action, is worthy of celebration.

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Dignity for All speaks to Senate Committee on Poverty Reduction Act

Over the past few weeks, Dignity for All co-leads, Canada Without Poverty (CWP) and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), had the opportunity to present as witnesses to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance (FINA), and the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, regarding key poverty legislation.

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Travel Loan Stories

CPJ interviewed refugees who wished to share stories of how the burden of loans has affected their resettlement in Canada. Here’s what they had to say.

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Earth Day 2019: For the Love of Creation

Created by the Canadian Council of Churches, KAIROS, and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), the #ForTheLoveOfCreation video collaboration highlights the need for urgent action by Canadians – and the Canadian government – on climate change.

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Canadian faith leaders issue urgent plea for climate action

On Earth Day 2019, Christians leaders from across Canada have come together to issue an urgent call to climate action.

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Letter to BC government about Zero-Emission Vehicles Act

CPJ commends BC government on the introduction of the Bill 28 – 2019: Zero-Emission Vehicles Act in the Legislative Assembly last week.

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Letter to Harbour Air about Transition to Clean Energy

CPJ commends Harbour Air in the announcement of their partnership with Magni500 to transition to electric airplane fleet by 2022.

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