Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ participating in solidarity fast with Theresa Spence

CPJ staff will be participating, with KAIROS Canada and many other Canadians committed to faith and justice, in a one-day solidarity fast with Chief Theresa Spence this week.

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Joe Gunn receives Diamond Jubilee Medal

Congratulations to Joe Gunn, who was recently awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for outstanding service to his community and to Canada.

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Press Release: Parliamentarians Unite to Speak Out Against Poverty


Ottawa, ON: October 17, 2012 – Dignity for All: the campaign for a poverty-free Canada is marking the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty today with a public event and the release of Poverty Trends Scorecard – Canada 2012, a report that highlights the need for continued federal investments to assist those struggling to make ends meet.

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Homeless young man living on the street

Poverty Trends Scorecard: Canada 2012

October 2012
The first report in CPJ’s Poverty Trends Scorecard series examines the impact of poverty on people across Canada and shows that while some progress toward ending poverty in Canada has been made, but much more work remains for us all to do.

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Towards a Guaranteed Livable Income

Promoting the Common Good: 2012 pre-budget submission

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations
Economic recovery is important, but it needs to include all Canadians. Three years after the 2008-09 recession, many people, including youth, new immigrants, Aboriginal people, single-parent families, and people with disabilities are being left behind.

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Alberta commits to a provincial poverty reduction strategy

May 2012
Read the letter
The Chair of CPJ’s Board, Mark Huyser-Wierenga of Edmonton, has written to Alberta Premier Alison Redford to encourage her government to move forward with development of a poverty reduction strategy for her province. 

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The Northern Gateway Pipeline: Why We Cling to Oil

This award-winning article looks at the values that make us see oil as a necessity, with devastating impacts on the enviroment and vulnerable peoples.

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Smoke and Mirrors: What Budget 2012 Really Delivered

Pundits have written this budget off as modest, and even better than expected after all the hype over predicted austerity measures. Finance Minister Flaherty himself emphasized that cuts to spending are much smaller than the reductions in the mid-1990s.

In truth, Canadians are about to lose a lot more than pennies in a budget that delivers substantial and politically symbolic cuts. In combination with unilateral changes to federal-provincial transfers, actions taken in the budget are designed to further erode the presence of the federal government in the lives of Canadians—a strategy that translates into the laying off thousands of public servants and elimination of key public programs.

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Gerald Vandezande: How did his life’s work inspire us?

“Mr. Speaker,

I rise today to place into our national record my commendation of a very extraordinary Canadian; a man who was not only a champion of justice, a voice for the voiceless, and a man deep and compelling faith, but a mentor and cherished friend. His name was Gerald Vandezande.”

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Budget 2012: Building a Sustainable Recovery for All

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations
Too many Canadians are still waiting to experience recovery and risk being permanently left behind. CPJ believes that the best way of achieving a sustainable economic recovery is to ensure that all Canadians are able to participate in the economy. 

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