Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

Living Ecological Justice: Additional Reading

A great deal of valuable material has been written on the global environmental crisis, the role of faith communities, the importance of advocacy, and the role that taxation and investment can play in improving the fate of creation.

An abbreviated list of resources is included in Living Ecological Justice (pp. 120-121), but there wasn’t room for everything. Included here is a more comprehensive list of recommended reading. We hope that this material will help you on your way to becoming a more engaged and effective advocate for creation.

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Thank you for purchasing Living Ecological Justice

Thank you for purchasing Living Ecological Justice. A receipt from PayPal has been sent to the email address you have provided. If you find our resources helpful, we invite you to learn more about how you can join your voice to CPJ’s and help make lasting change.

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Press Release: Food Bank Volunteers Fed Up with Government Inaction

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: October 17, 2013 — On October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, food bank volunteers will walk away from their lunch lines to serve up food for thought on street corners in major cities across the country. They are asking everyday Canadians to re-consider food charity as the solution…

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Poverty Trends Highlights 2013

“Poverty Trends Highlights: Canada 2013”

October 2013
The new “Poverty Trends Highlights” report brings together the most recent data on poverty in Canada to identify where things are improving and where they’re getting worse.

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CPJ staff in support of the Proud to Protect Refugees campaign

Fulfilling our Collective Responsibility

This is the third in a three-part series highlighting CPJ’s recommendations for the 2014 federal budget as contained in Fulfilling our Collective Responsibility. This week, we discuss the injustice facing privately sponsored refugees in Canada.

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Budget 2013: Fulfilling our Collective Responsibility

Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance Pre-Budget Consultations
August 2013
Download the brief 

While CPJ has publicly raised questions about the integrity of the pre-budget consultation process, we believe that now, more than ever, the voice of public justice needs to be heard in Ottawa, and that continued engagement with our elected officials is a far better choice than disengagement or apathy.

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Press Release: Premiers Urged to Address Housing Crisis at Council of the Federation


Ottawa, ON: July 22, 2013A group of over 50 organizations from across Canada has signed a joint letter to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne urging her to place housing at the top of the agenda as she hosts the provincial and territorial premiers for the July 22–24 meeting of the Council of the Federation in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.

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Three Generations of CPJ: 50th Anniversary Reflection

This is the fifth online reflection posted in honour of CPJ’s 50th anniversary.

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Growing Food Sovereignty in Gardens

Cultivating a mindful relationship with our food has never been more challenging or more important. Unlike preceding generations, the majority of us no longer live among those who grow our food. Much of the food sold in Canadian grocery stores has travelled long distances. And most eaters know remarkably little about their daily meals: Where was the food grown? By whom? Under what conditions?

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Carbon and the Common Good: A CPJ backgrounder

CPJ’s backgrounder on pricing carbon emissions, Carbon and the Common Good, looks at the environmental crisis from a public justice perspective. After summarizing some of the biblical principles that guide our reflection, this paper addresses one specific and complex area of debate, carbon taxes. It also lays out some positioning for the organization on this issue.

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