Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

The 2000s: A Decade of Change

The turn of the millennium was accompanied by many other changes for CPJ and Canada. It saw new ideas about security. There were many different political scenes, including a minority government. Then there was the economic recession that shook the country. But it wasn’t all bad. The new millennium brought amazing new staff members and structural changes that re-invigorated the future of CPJ.

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The Invisible Victims

The Invisible Victims

This study demonstrates the severely negative effects that a minimum residency requirement for social assistance would have on refugee claimants in Canada. After conducting a survey of service providers who work directly with refugees as well as gathering personal testimonies from claimants, the report provides ample evidence that the policy would be inadvisable on economic, humanitarian, and legal grounds.

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Decrease Obesity Rates by Ending Poverty

Presentation to the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology 

May 2015

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CPJ’s Executive Director, Joe Gunn, was invited to the Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology during their study of the increasing incidence of obesity in Canada. As they looked at causes, consequences, and next steps to take, Gunn proposed the idea of a  national poverty reduction plan as one element in the battle against many social, economic, and medical ills in Canadian communities, and also in the effort to address obesity.

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Taxes for the Common Good

Taxes for the Common Good

>Taxes are not simply about money or fees collected by governments. They are equally about public programs and services, reducing poverty and the harmful effects of inequality, and protecting the environment.

“Taxes for the Common Good” is a series of six fact sheets highlighting the positive role taxes play in a democratic society and summarizing up-to-date information on the costs and opportunities afforded by various federal tax policy options.

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Press Release: Faith Leaders’ Social Justice Tour Coming to Ottawa

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: May 12, 2015 – On Wednesday, May 13, 2015, a delegation of national church leaders will be in Ottawa to engage people of faith in conversations about poverty in Canada and climate change—the final stop in “Justice Tour 2015.” Each stop on the tour includes an intimate listening event in…

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Alberta Legislature

Alberta Election 2015 – No Longer Either-Or

The Economy, the Environment, and Societal Well-Being As faithful citizens we are encouraged to seek out, debate and promote policies and practices which reflect God’s call for love, justice, and the flourishing of Creation. Elections offer an important moment to reflect on the policy options before us. As Christians, we are urged to think beyond ourselves…

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Canada needs a ‘health-in-all-polices’

Canada needs a ‘health-in-all-policies’ approach to poverty

Originally published in The Hill Times. Jurisdictional debates have become the roadblock in the Canadian conversation about poverty, well-being, and health care. This obstacle is inevitable considering the way Canada is governed. But are jurisdictional arguments truly an insurmountable barrier or are they instead an easy way of letting the federal government off the hook?…

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Budget 2015 Chooses to Overlook Climate Change and Poverty

Budget 2015 ignores the 4.8 million Canadians who live in poverty. And with major climate negotiations coming later this year, it ignores the climate crisis that future generations will have to deal with. It ignores the tens of thousands of vulnerable refugees who come to Canada looking for a better life.

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Press Release: Faith Leaders’ Social Justice Tour Coming to Western Canada

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: April 10, 2015 – Beginning Monday, April 13, 2015, a delegation of national church leaders will be touring Western Canada to engage people of faith in conversations about poverty in Canada and climate change. Each stop on the tour will include an intimate listening event in the afternoon. Local faith leaders…

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Letter: Religious investors call for price on carbon

April 2015
Read the Letter
CPJ joined over 50 religious congregations and faith groups from across Canada in writing a letter to federal Finance Minister Joe Oliver, asking him to put a price on carbon emissions. The letter was organized by SHARE Canada. 

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