Citizens for Public Justice

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Posts by Citizens for Public Justice

CPJ welcomes full reinstatement of refugee health care

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON: February 18, 2016 – Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) welcomed a commitment today from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Minister John McCallum and Health Minister Jane Philpott to fully reinstate refugee health care.

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Letter: Meeting of Social Services Ministers

February 2016
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Dignity for All: the campaign to end poverty in Canada, co-led by Canada Without Poverty (CWP) and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), wrote to the federal Minister encouraging him to take this opportunity to initiate consultations about the development of a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy.

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Advocates call on Duclos to move ahead on poverty reduction


Ottawa, ON: February 5, 2016 —  Dignity for All: the campaign to end poverty in Canada, co-led by Canada Without Poverty (CWP) and Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ), is pleased that social services ministers from across Canada are meeting to discuss critical social policy issues for the first time in ten years. Dignity for All is encouraging the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development Jean-Yves Duclos to take this opportunity during his meeting with Provincial-Territorial social service ministers to initiate consultations about the development of a Canadian Poverty Reduction Strategy.

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CPJ supports ending audits of charities

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ottawa, ON: January 20, 2016 – For years, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) has called for fairness and appropriate prioritization in the Canada Revenue Agency’s activities. Today, we welcome the government’s announcement to take clear steps in the direction by ending the CRA’s political activities audit program. Many Canadians support the work of…

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CPJ responds to point-in-time homelessness count

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, ON: January 5, 2016 –Today, the Government of Canada announced its plans for a broadly coordinated point-in-time count of homelessness in partnership with 30 communities across the country. This survey is an effort to gather information about Canada’s homeless population in participating communities so that all levels of government can identify the needs and required resources. It also provides the federal government with data that would inform the development of a strategy to address homelessness.

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Syrian Refugees

Letter: Religious Leaders Support Refugee Initiative

December 2015

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CPJ has joined religious leaders from across Ontario who have written to the Premier Wynne and leaders of the Provincial opposition parties to express their support for Ontario’s role in welcoming Syrian refugees. 

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CPJ encouraged by Mandate Letter and Poverty Plan

For Immediate Release Ottawa, ON: November 13, 2015 –  In response to the release today of the Mandate Letter to the Minister of Families, Children and Social development, Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is very encouraged to see the commitment to develop a strategy to end poverty in Canada. “This is great news for low-income…

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Groundings: An Advent Call to Listen in the Face of Fear

From The Catalyst Winter 2015

by Dena Nicolai

The longing of Advent and the celebration of Christmas this year must also involve preparing for the arrival of thousands of Syrian refugees. In the midst of these preparations, God’s word in 1 John 4:18 continues to exhort us, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.”

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Shouting It From the Rooftops

by Michèle Biss

Action on poverty is long overdue. It’s time for our federal government to step up and put in place a comprehensive, rights-based approach to poverty.

Over the past year, the Dignity for All Campaign has been shouting this message from the rooftops. We’ve been spreading the word wherever and whenever we can – at events, through media and social media, and directly in the ears of our federal candidates.

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Letters to the Editor – Winter 2015

From The Catalyst Winter 2015 The Trouble With Partisanship Kathryn Teeluck provides us with a concise and clear review of Fighting Over God by Janet Epp Buckingham (Summer 2015). Epp Buckingham’s points seem cogent and significant. I’m reading a biography of Richard John Neuhaus from the United States, a liberal Lutheran pastor who later became a…

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